Combining Weed with Meditation

According to many health practitioners, frequent meditation reduces stress and improves overall health. It is a practice that humankind has engaged in for millennia. There are wall arts in the Indian subcontinent that depict meditation dating back to 5,000 BC.

The sacred texts of Hinduism, the Vedas, provide the first written evidence, which dates back to 1,500 BC. The Upanishad Hindu texts describe meditation as a means of acquiring knowledge and oneness of the Absolute while removing ignorance. By the fifth century BC, Buddhist India and Taoist China had become home to other forms of meditation.

It seems as if there is also a lengthy relationship between the use of cannabis and meditation. On their own, both marijuana and meditation have similar effects. Combining them, however, amplifies both.

This is evident in South Asia already. Several religious sects, including Shaivites, Naths, and Buddhists, have introduced marijuana into their meditation rituals. They believe the combination brings heightened awareness. Weed slows the mind and helps it enter the correct state of “profound stillness.” They are right: It certainly has profound benefits, and it is not difficult to do.

Marijuana and Meditation Work Well Together

The effects of marijuana are incredibly grounding, and it provides an avenue for increasing consciousness. The duality of mind elevation and complete body relaxation is an ideal combination for effective meditation. In practice, most people are unable to quiet the mind sufficiently or relax the body enough during meditation.

Under correct administration and proper dosages, the right marijuana cultivar can slow people down, calm the body, and quiet a frantic mind. This is the best state for meditation. Reaching it guarantees a meditative and transformative experience. Because people are different, you will need to experiment with different cultivars to find the ones that work best for you.

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Best Marijuana Strains for Meditation

The meditative experience you want will rely heavily on the strain you choose. Everyone has a personal preference, and finding yours will involve some experimenting and trial and error.

The suggestion is that sativa strains and sativa-dominant hybrids have more energizing, focusing, and motivating effects. This makes them ideal for daytime use. Therefore, you may think it is better to steer clear of sativas for meditation.

Indicas, on the other hand, are supposedly more relaxing and sedating. Many assume this means they are the ‘ideal’ option for meditation. But is this really the case?

best marijuana strains for meditation

In reality, there is no guarantee than an indica-dominant hybrid will cause sedation, and a sativa-dominant strain will invigorate you. It seems likely that it is the full plant profile, including terpenes and other cannabinoids, which dictate a strain’s effects. As THC and CBD are the most abundant cannabinoids, most research focuses on them. However, there is a growing body of evidence that indicates terpene content matters.

Cannabis affects everyone differently, so try a strain to see what happens. If it makes you feel more energized, perhaps you should try another to find one that is more relaxing.

Marijuana Enhances Process of Meditation

Cannabis interacts with each individual’s endocannabinoid system uniquely. As a result, there are many ways that it can enhance the meditative process. For some, marijuana simply relaxes the muscles and molds the body into the nearest sofa. For others, it quiets an overactive mind. There are people for whom marijuana brings situational perspective into personal life experiences.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, heightened sensory and time perception are just some of the effects of cannabis. Marijuana can enable people to relax, gain insight, and go deeper spiritually than ever before. All of these effects are desired and powerful outcomes in a meditative session. Combining the two amplifies relaxation, spiritual enlightenment, and insightful perspective.

Consumption of Marijuana for Meditating

There are many ways to ingest weed. All of them will work, but vaping it or smoking it with a few blended herbs is arguably best for meditation. Edibles can take up to two hours for effects to kick in, and few are patient enough to wait that long. Vaping enables users to microdose and find their desired state of consciousness with more precision. This process is especially useful for novices or those with lower tolerance levels.

For experienced consumers, however, smoking flower is potentially preferable. It offers the fastest method of delivery, with the quickest onset of effects. Bud smokers can “get in the zone” much quicker. Combining marijuana with a few medical herbs can bring balance to the whole experience and offer some lung protection.

Marijuana-Compatible Herbs for Enhancing Meditation

Many herbs are compatible with cannabis and help to elevate your meditative experience. Those who enjoy a rich smoke should try mullein, which is an excellent herb for lung protection. Passionflower is another herb to try, as it quells headaches, restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, muscle aches, and more. You could also include a peppermint blend to add flavor and make use of its decongestant properties.

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Advantages of Guided Meditation

Guided meditation can help to quiet the mind. In these days of entitlement culture, we are accustomed to continual stimulation wherever we go. This is possibly the reason why our ancestors had longer attention spans than we do today. Providing someone with a narrative to focus on makes it easier for them to achieve a more impactful meditative experience.

Without a guided narrative, most people spend a large portion of their meditation time trying to quiet the mind and stop its chattering. This overshadows a relaxing experience with feelings of pervasive frustration. Using the cannabis plant to help guide your meditative session can help you overcome an overactive mind quicker.

Home Tips for Novice Meditators

If you need guidance for your meditative efforts, find a meditation background that resonates with you in an online recording or CD. You have thousands to choose from, including forest, rain, river, and even animal sounds. Vape or smoke your favorite cannabis strain, get comfortable and begin your recording. Those who do not require guided meditation can start with conscious breathing techniques.

Experts find that binary sounds help to focus the mind and relax the body during meditation. Examples include instrumental music, crystal bowl recordings, and even Tuvan throat singing. If the sound relaxes you, it should work, regardless of what noise it is. You can also make your own recordings if you so desire. For instance, record the birds in your garden each morning or the sound of your Zen waterfall.

Meditating the Right Way

It is crucial to focus on your breathing, particularly for novices. Focused breathing will help you disengage an overactive mind and relax it. To avoid distractions, make mental notes of your inhales and exhales. As you breathe in and out, repeat the words “inhale” and “exhale” as they occur.

If overcoming mental distraction proves too challenging, then practicing mind refocusing will help you get it right.

Acknowledge thoughts as they come and go. Allow them to be fleeting. Continue focusing on your breathing for several minutes, or for however long you feel is comfortable. Ideally, people should meditate daily with a specific goal in mind. Perhaps you want to feel grounded, calmer, mentally razor-sharp, or resilient. The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and the more you benefit from it.

Final Thoughts About Cannabis and Meditation

Ancient civilizations used marijuana, ancient religions too. People used it for yoga and meditation purposes for centuries. Weed still plays an integral part in tantric Buddhism today, particularly in deep meditative rituals for heightened spiritual awareness. Rastafarians are another example. They use both meditation and marijuana for worship, and always together.

According to philosophies of the Rastafari, “The herb is key to a new understanding of the self, universe, and God. It is the vehicle to cosmic consciousness.” More people use meditation for health, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. There is no denying the benefits of marijuana for meditation. Everywhere, people should take a few deep breaths, light a joint, and relax in meditative silence.

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