8 Tips for Cultivating Strawberry Cough Marijuana: Growing Guide

Strawberry Cough is a sativa-dominant (80%) hybrid created by Kyle Kushman. It was initially a clone-only option derived from a Haze strain, but breeders ultimately worked it into seed form in Holland. In 2013, Strawberry Cough scooped the top prize in the Best Flower category at The Cannabis Cup.

As you can probably guess from its name, Strawberry Cough has a delicious strawberry flavor and aftertaste. Even its aroma smells like fresh strawberries.

Strawberry Cough’s positive effects more than make up for the coughing fits.

The cough part of its name alludes to the harshness of its smoke. Despite the throat and lung irritation, Strawberry Cough’s positive effects more than makeup for the coughing fits.

Many users consume it to relieve stress, and while it elevates your mood, it keeps you clear-minded. Its THC level typically ranges between 15-20%; however, a sample tested by Emerald Cannabis Worx contained 22.98%.

Now that you know a little more about the strain, here are some handy tips about growing Strawberry Cough.

1 – Growing Strawberry Cough: Indoors or Outdoors?

If you want to grow it outside, you need to live in a place with a tropical and hot climate. Strawberry Cough needs lots of sunshine and does best in daytime temperatures of between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

As it is resistant to most pests and molds, it is an excellent strain for novices to cultivate. It produces up to 14 ounces per plant outdoors and has a harvest time of early October.

A greenhouse is an ideal environment for growing Strawberry Cough indoors. We’ll discuss this in more detail in the next tip. Indoor growers should take note that this plant can reach up to 78 inches in height. Therefore, it may be necessary to top this plant during the vegetative stage to keep its height under control.

You’ll need to prune it regularly because it grows bushy, preventing light from reaching the lower parts of the plant. It has a flowering time of 9-10 weeks indoors and produces up to 14 ounces per square meter.

2 – Greenhouse Growing

Having a greenhouse to call upon is a huge advantage when growing marijuana. It enables your plants to enjoy the power of the sun while remaining protected from inclement weather. With a greenhouse, you can extend the hours of daylight by adding indoor lighting. As a result, you can benefit from several harvests each year.

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When you grow Strawberry Cough outdoors, you have to contend with the damage caused by heavy wind and rain. If your plants are exposed to too much moisture, for example, they could develop bud rot. In a greenhouse, you can control water exposure and use a dehumidifier or humidifier to alter the room’s humidity.

3 – Prune Your Strawberry Cough

It’s a mistake to leave Strawberry Cough to its own devices because it grows thick and bushy. Although it is generally a low-maintenance plant, it is best to prune it regularly to remove excess foliage. You may notice that your Strawberry Cough has become a little unkempt a few weeks before you force it to flower.

At this point, it is a good idea to remove low-down branches that aren’t getting much light. Focus on bud sites located near the bottom of the main stalks and leaves that aren’t getting enough light. Trimming will help it grow and flourish because all parts will receive ample light and better airflow. Also, dying leaves and unnecessary branches use up valuable nutrients.

Make sure you have several pairs of sharp scissors ready for the job. The sharper, the better, because clean cuts mean a lower chance of infection. Remove the largest branches first before clipping the branches in the center of the plant beneath the canopy. Carefully analyze your plant and remove any non-essential parts that aren’t receiving enough light.

Don’t perform all of your pruning work in one session, or else you risk shocking and stressing the plant. Avoid pruning within a few days of forcing your plants into flowering, and stop pruning 2-3 weeks into flowering.

4 – Strawberry Cough Prefers Soil

While Strawberry Cough does well in a hydroponics setup, it flourishes when grown in soil and fed organic nutrients. With soil, you need to find a blend that enables your plants to thrive. It isn’t as easy as putting some soil in a pot and hoping for the best. In reality, soil varies according to texture, pH level, drainage, water retention, and level of nutrients.


The four main soil categories are:

Silt: Silt is full of nutrients, and silty soil retains water well and helps stabilize your plants. On the downside, its drainage is poor, and it is easily compacted.

Sand: Sandy soil has a low pH and is known for having large grains. It offers good drainage and high oxygen levels, and it prevents compaction. Downsides include poor water retention, and since it dries out quickly, the nutrients wash away easily.

Clay: Clay soil has a high pH and retains water well. It provides plenty of minerals and keeps your plants stable in their pots. However, it is heavy, hard to work with, and offers poor drainage.

Loam: Loamy soil is the gold standard of gardening. It is a mix of the three soil types above and has a near-neutral pH. It is easy to work with and offers good water retention, drainage, nutrient retention, and high oxygen levels. The only downside is its high cost.

5 – Keep This Strain Warm

The ideal temperature for marijuana strains varies, and Strawberry Cough thrives in warmer conditions. As a rule of thumb, keep the temperature never below 70 degrees during the day. At night or when the lights are off, please ensure the temperature doesn’t fall by more than 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

Strawberry Cough can comfortably handle a grow room temperature of up to 85 degrees. If you allow the temperature to exceed 85 degrees, it could negatively impact photosynthesis. Strawberry Cough will do well at 90 degrees, but only if you increase carbon dioxide levels in the grow room. Finally, when you increase the temperature, make sure you reduce humidity.

6 – Use the Right Lighting

As you might expect, there are several types of grow lights. Here is a concise overview:

Metal Halide: These lights are ideal for the vegetative stage and help plants grow short and squat.

High-Pressure Sodium (HPS): These lights are perfect for any stage as the light they provide encourages plants to grow tall with thick buds.

Light Emitting Ceramic (LEC) and Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH): Don’t let the names fool you; LECs and CMHs are the same light technology. LECs are a cross between HPS and MH lighting but can last up to 20% longer than MH. LECs also produce lots of UV rays, which boost trichome development.

Light Emitting Diodes (LED): LEDs are among the most powerful forms of lighting. They provide the closest thing to a full spectrum as you will get in artificial lighting.

Fluorescent Grow Lights: The most common forms of fluorescent lights are CFLs and T5s. They are not as powerful as others on this list but are ideal if you have a small grow room.

7 – Eradicate Pests from your Grow Room

Although Strawberry Cough is highly resistant to pests, it doesn’t mean it won’t attract them! Here are some quick and easy ways to prevent an infestation:

Sterilize the Soil: Unsterilized soil may contain the eggs or larvae of pests. To sterilize your soil, ‘cook’ it in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit for about 45 minutes.

Companion Plants: Consider growing beans, basil, garlic, or marigolds in your marijuana garden. These plants will either repel pests or add further nutrients to the soil to strengthen your plant’s immune system.

Natural Predators: Ladybugs and other insects feast on pests without damaging your crop.

Predator Urine: Spraying the urine of a pest’s predator in your garden will keep those pesky critters at bay.

Natural Insecticides: You can create natural insecticides using ingredients such as neem oil, soap, garlic, chili, and tomato leaves.

8 – Count the Cost of Growing Strawberry Cough

In Oregon, an ounce of Strawberry Cough costs less than $230. Therefore, you need to calculate the cost of growing Strawberry Cough at home to determine whether it is financially viable. For instance, consider Strawberry Cough’s indoor yield of up to 14 ounces per square meter.

You need to work out the cost of growing Strawberry Cough at home to determine whether it is financially viable.

Let’s say you manage three such harvests in a year; that’s 42 ounces. At a dispensary, 42 ounces of Strawberry Cough will cost you between $9,000 and $10,000. However, you may get discounts for purchasing in bulk.

Let’s assume you are growing in a 6 x 6 feet grow space with soil as the growing medium. By the way, there are ready-made grow spaces available for a couple of hundred dollars online. Your highest expenditure will be the lighting setup. A 1000-watt setup could cost anywhere between $200 and $600. Then you have to factor in the $600 plus that is added to your electricity bill. There are also several other additional costs, such as:

  • Pots
  • Soil
  • Fans
  • Carbon filter
  • Nutrient starter kit
  • Hardware such as stakes or water tanks

Overall, the average cost per grow will be $2,000. However, if you use a basic setup, it could be anywhere from $1,500 to $2,500. At least most of the cost is upfront. Aside from seeds and electricity, the cost associated with future harvests is much lower.

All in all, the potential profit margin for growing your own cannabis at home is very high. However, with strains that require regular maintenance, like Strawberry Cough, you may find that the most significant investment is your time.

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