Best Soil for Growing Weed [The Grower’s Guide]

Whether you want to call it dirt or a growth medium, soil is a crucial component for growing marijuana. Choosing the best soil for your weed is arguably the most critical decision you’ll make when growing cannabis at home. Getting it right is likely the difference between a bountiful harvest and utter failure.

The apparent simplicity of picking soil often fools newcomers, and they frequently make mistakes that cost them their harvest. The truth is, you have to make a lot of considerations. For example, the soil you use for indoor growing is not the same one you’ll need for an outdoor grow. Then there is the small matter of things like pH, drainage, and a host of other criteria.

There are a large number of soil brands available, which is both good and bad news. You have a lot of options. However, with so many choices, how do you determine the best soil for growing your marijuana? The key is to analyze your situation, and our guide will help with the rest.

Pros & Cons of Growing Cannabis in Soil

Ultimately, you can choose between soil or a hydroponic system if you wish to grow weed at home. A hydroponic system is potentially extremely effective, but it is also expensive. Generally speaking, those cultivating their cannabis for the first time should choose soil. The roots of your plants will extend deep into the earth as they look for nutrients and water.

That’s why indoor systems, which have a lack of space, need to create smaller root systems for marijuana. Regardless of the root system you choose, make sure the temperature in the growing area stays around 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Of course, ample water and oxygen in the soil is a must.

Irrigation in soil is easier than with hydroponic systems, as is fertilization. With so much information gathered from thousands of years of growing, you can quickly become a soil expert as long as you read the right articles!

On the downside, soil requires a ton of space, and it is cumbersome. You’re also more likely to have issues with pests than with a hydroponic system.

Choosing the Right Cannabis Soil Container Size

The size of the containers you choose will dictate the size of the marijuana plant’s root system. The more space the roots have, the faster they grow. You can expect problems to arise when the roots outgrow your container, so choose wisely! There is no need to go beyond a 10 x 10 x 10 cm container while your plants are still seedlings.

best soil for growing weed

Once it reaches a height of 25cm, transplant the plant(s) to a container that is at least double the size of the first one. Once your plant hits the lofty heights of 80cm, move it to at least a 12-liter container. Once your plant hits a meter in height, you’ll need an even bigger box. This process continues until harvest.

Watering Your Soil

The soil type and growing environment determine the way you water the soil. Hot climates need more water, and colder climates need less.

When you water the plant, it moves essential nutrients and minerals to the roots. Then, they travel to the rest of the plant. Water cools overheated plants down and is a critical ingredient for photosynthesis. The best advice we can give is to water the soil until it is moist but not wet to the touch. Overwatering aids the growth of harmful fungi, which can result in root disease, so exercise caution!

Quality Soil for Cannabis

Natural soil comes in four varieties: sandy, silt, loam, and clay. You are in for a nasty surprise if you think that soil is just one ‘type.’

Many soils will have a combination of at least two of the four types. Therefore, you can have sandy/silty, loamy/clay, silty/clay, and so on. If that isn’t confusing enough, there are different ratios of every soil type. It is an important consideration, however, because each one has its pros and cons.

Sandy Soils

Sandy soil is known for its large granular size and low pH. The issue with this type of soil is that it dries quickly and often experiences difficulties in moisture absorption. The nutrients also get washed away, and nitrogen, in particular, is lost rapidly from sandy soil.

On the plus side, sandy soil is easy to prepare for cultivation, offers good drainage, and contains high oxygen levels. It is one of the best options for growing weed indoors.

Silt Soils

This type of soil consists of minerals such as quartz and fine organic particles. Although they hold moisture, silty soils have decent drainage and are one of the easiest to work with when wet. Also, silty soils are among the most fertile, which gives you a chance of a decent-sized harvest. With frequent irrigation, you can extend the length of the growing season. Silt soil is one of the best soil types for seedlings.

Loam Soils

Loam soil is a combination of sand, silt, and clay, typically in a 40/40/20 ratio. It has at least 20% organic compounds and can vary from being easy to work with to incredibly complex. To identify a loam soil, squeeze it. It should form a loose ball that quickly threatens to break apart.

This is a prevalent marijuana potting soil and has an almost neutral pH. It offers excellent drainage and water retention, contains high oxygen levels, and is naturally fertile. However, it is by far the most expensive option.

Clay Soils

This type of soil is among the best organic options for cannabis. Clays consist of fine crystalline particles created via chemical reactions amongst minerals or other natural resources. You can mold or shape clay soil, but it is hard to work with and drains poorly.

If you try to use this kind of soil, expect to have difficulty in getting the plant’s roots to penetrate the surface. Clay soil has a high pH. While it stabilizes plants, the soil is heavy and requires a lot of effort overall.

What Does Loam Soil Look Like?

Loam is, without doubt, the favorite weed soil of growers. It makes the best soil for potted plants and is probably the best soil for plants in general. It contains the right balance of all three soil types (clay, silt, and sand) along with humus. This combination ensures that loam has high calcium levels, but it also has a relatively high pH.

Loam is dark in color and soft, dry, and crumbly when held. Although it tightly holds plant food and water, it drains exceptionally well. Air can freely move between the particles down to the marijuana plant’s roots.

How to Make Loam Soil

Loam soil is a combination of the three main soil types. However, don’t think you can create loam soil by adding clay soil to silt or vice versa. If you try to add sand to clay, for instance, you’ll end up with a cement-like texture. In reality, creating loam soil for your plant is not a straightforward or quick process.

However, it is the best soil for cannabis, which means it is worth the time and effort. No matter what type of soil you have, creating loam involves adding organic matter to it each year. The decomposing plant material creates the excellent drainage conditions your weed needs.

The trouble with organic matter is that it gets depleted rapidly. This means you have to amend it on a season by season basis.

The amount of work you must do depends on the balance of your existing soil. For instance, if it has high amounts of clay or sand, you’ll have to add large amounts of organic matter several times a year. You can add a two-inch layer of organic matter onto the surface of the garden. Then, you should work it into the first couple of inches of soil.

Buy Only the Right Soil for Your Cannabis Plants

It is normal to go to your local garden store full of enthusiasm. That is until you are knocked back by the enormous number of options. First of all, please note that buying it in bulk could be a mistake. There are no certifications or standards attached to soil quality. Believe it or not, some of these sellers provide you with soil from construction sites. They could even sell soil excavated from basements!

best soil for growing weed indoors

When buying soil for weed, make sure you understand the basics of good cannabis soil. If you want your plants to offer lots of cannabinoids and trichomes, you have to pay attention to several variables. including:

  • Drainage, texture, and water retention
  • Nutrients
  • pH

Drainage, Texture & Water Retention

The texture, drainage ability, and water-holding ability are arguably the most critical aspects of marijuana soil. Your plant will not produce a good yield if it doesn’t have the right mixture of water and oxygen in the roots 24/7. If there is too much water, the roots won’t get enough oxygen. If there isn’t enough water, the roots can dry out quickly and become damaged.

High-quality marijuana soil should have:

  • A rich and dark color
  • Loose texture
  • Excellent drainage; in other words, it should not make a pool on top of the soil for more than a few seconds
  • The ability to retain water without becoming muddy

It is unlikely that your cannabis soil will have the ideal drainage, texture, and water-retaining abilities. Fortunately, there are a host of amendments available to alter the drainage, texture, and water-retaining capacity of your soil. Here are four of the most popular:

Coco Coir

Coco coir is made from coconut husks and improves water retention without causing the soil to become heavy. When you use coco coir, your plant’s roots should develop quicker, and you’re less likely to overwater. You can grow your marijuana in pure coco coir. However, a maximum of 30% is best for a productive soil amendment.


This enhances water retention and causes your soil to become ‘lighter.’ It works particularly well with Perlite.


This is probably the most commonly purchased amendment and is ideal for practically any soil mix. It consists of airy ‘rocks’ known for their white hue. Perlite looks a bit like popcorn and improves drainage while adding oxygen. Use 10-20% to improve water retention. You can go as high as 40%, but you risk leaching nutrients faster. If you use Perlite and Vermiculite, don’t go above 50% for the two combined.

Worm Castings

Yes, we are talking about worm poop! Once you get past the initial horror, you’ll find that your marijuana plants adore worm castings. They improve water retention, drainage, and texture. Their natural nutrients are quickly broken down. Worm castings typically include useful microorganisms since they go through the digestive systems of worms. Keep the level of worm castings down to around 30%.


As long as you choose correctly, your cannabis soil should already have a vast array of nutrients because it consists of organic material. One mistake is to try and add organic material, such as animal manure and rotting vegetables, directly to the plants as fertilizers. You must break down the content first if you want your marijuana plant’s roots to absorb the nutrients.

Indoor growers need to find soil with a lot of nutrients.

This is because they don’t benefit from nature in the same way as outdoor growers. Use heat to sterilize the soil and add nutrient-rich potting soil mix. You can make it yourself, but newbies should purchase it from the garden store. Water the soil correctly. Also, keep it in a room at 68 degrees Fahrenheit and test the pH every so often.


In case you weren’t aware, pH means ‘potential of hydrogen.’ It is a chemical scale that determines a substance’s alkalinity or acidity. The range goes from 0-14. A pH of 7.0 is neutral (pure water has a pH of 7.0, for example). Everything from 0-6.9 is acidic, while everything from 7.1 to 14 is alkaline.

Battery acid and hydrochloric acid have a pH of 0, while liquid drain clearing fluid has a pH of 14. Ideally, your cannabis soil is slightly acidic. Most experts believe that the ideal pH is 6.0. However, you are on solid ground if your soil’s pH is between 5.8 and 6.3. Your crop will survive outside of this range, but the yields are likely much smaller. If you stray too far from the 5.8-6.3 range, the plants will die.

Soils for Cannabis: Recommended by

If you are a beginner grower, you must purchase your soil from a garden store. Did you know that the vast majority of expert growers also buy their own soil? A handy tip when talking with a store employee is to ask about the right kind of soil for tomatoes. It is an excellent option if you feel uncomfortable disclosing your desire to grow weed!

At, we took the liberty of recommending a few store-bought soils for your cannabis plants. Please note that these are NOT for seedlings, as they contain too many nutrients. These are soils designed to help your plant thrive once it reaches the vegetative stage. Otherwise, you need to look at potting soil brands when your plant is still a seedling.

Before we discuss the best soil brands for growing cannabis, let’s consider general guidelines for indoor and outdoor soil.

Best Soil for Indoor Plants

Overall, you can’t go wrong with an organic super soil and fertilizer mix. The super soil offers the ideal blend of nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, and a myriad of other nutrients. You can make them yourself, but once again, we recommend investing in store-bought pot soil.

Best Soil for Growing Weed Outdoors

When growing weed outdoors, make sure you use soil that feels fluffy in your hands. It needs to possess a reasonable amount of nutrients, and good drainage is essential. Compost and store-bought fertilizer can form a fertile and productive base. Crucial nutrients include Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus, otherwise known as NPK.

Best Cannabis Soil Brands

Best Organic Soil – Roots Organics

This organic blend is designed to enable a higher water-holding capacity. It includes ingredients such as bat guano, kelp meal, and fish & crab meal. It is suitable for marijuana plants that are beyond the seedling stage. We love the ready-to-use pot because it enables you to transfer your plants immediately.

Best for Seedlings – Espoma

This is a great option if you want to nurture your crop from seedling through to harvesting. This Espoma soil contains excellent nutrition for early-stage growth. You will need to begin with small pots, before transferring your growing plants later. It contains peat moss, perlite, and peat humus – not to mention a hose of nutrients that aid strong root growth.

Best of the Rest – FoxFarm FX14047

The Fox Farm company has over thirty years of experience in the industry and is a well-known maker of cannabis soil in the United States. Its FX14047 soil mix contains a unique blend of mycorrhizal fungi and much more. It helps increase root development rapidly. When you use FX14047, your plants will develop a strong structure and experience rapid vegetative growth.

It is a lightly textured and well-aerated soil. Its pH is adjusted to ensure your plants feed more aggressively. You get two cubic feet of organic soil, and it is ready to use out of the bag.

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