Drinking Wine While Taking CBD Oil: Is It Safe?

If you use CBD regularly, especially for therapeutic purposes, you may be wondering if it’s safe to mix with wine. There is not much information available on mixing CBD with wine specifically, but we can look at CBD and alcohol to answer the question; is it safe to mix CBD with wine? The short answer is yes. However, the long answer is a lot more complex.

There are some obvious concerns when it comes to mixing psychoactive cannabis and alcohol. As many of us may have learned the hard way in college, alcohol and weed are not the most sophisticated pairing. But, CBD – a non-psychoactive compound of cannabis that’s become notorious for improving sleep, relieving anxiety, and more – must be a different story, right?

Mixing CBD in beer and cocktails is becoming increasingly popular, so you would assume that it must be relatively safe. But the truth is not so simple. Although research into mixing CBD and alcohol is sparse, researchers believe that the two substances do interact.

Furthermore, some experts believe that because both substances have similar sedating effects, they may actually amplify each other. This means the overall experience could be more intense.

How CBD and Alcohol Interact with Each Other

Technically, alcohol is a depressant because it usually depresses the central nervous system (but it can also have stimulating effects). CBD is similar – it has energizing and alerting effects in small doses. In larger doses, it has more sedative-like effects.

Since both CBD and alcohol lower your inhibitions, the effects could be especially intense and long-lasting when someone mixes the two substances. CBD makes you very chilled, mellow, and lighthearted. Alcohol may intensify those effects.

For example, one particular 2019 study found that taking 25-75 mg of CBD daily for one month improved sleep quality and reduced anxiety. Taking CBD and alcohol together could amplify these effects, potentially resulting in more sedation and sleepiness.

However, other research suggests that CBD could help to protect against the toxic side effects of alcohol. A 2013 study tested the effects of CBD on rodents in an animal-based model of binge drinking. The researchers gave the animals either a CBD injection or transdermal CBD gel prior to giving them alcohol. Both methods of administration demonstrated an over 50% reduction in alcohol-induced neurodegeneration in the rats.

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much rigorous research done on the interaction of CBD and alcohol. Currently, we still do not properly understand the interaction between CBD and alcohol. However, based on the above, we can make a few deductions.

What Happens When You Mix CBD and Wine?

Since cannabis and alcohol are both depressants, the numbing, relaxing, sedative-like effects of both substances often increase when you use them together. Although CBD isn’t mind-altering, its subtle sedative effects still mix with wine in a way that amplifies them.


Generally, the effects of alcohol will be more intense if you consume it within 4-8 hours of using CBD. Allowing wine and CBD to interact results in a greater loss of motor coordination, greater loss of inhibition, and greater loss of control. Essentially, when consuming both at the same time, the effects will be more intense than when you consume just one of the substances.


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Alcohol works like a tranquilizer, sleeping pill, or anesthetic. It slows down the brain functions by inhibiting the central nervous system. Although this may increase one’s social skills, over time, it can lead to impaired cognitive function and neurodegeneration.

This is where CBD comes in. Studies show that mixing CBD and alcohol can reduce the alcohol level in the blood, which may reduce damage to the brain cells and organs. However, it doesn’t reduce the effects of alcohol.

While CBD doesn’t contribute to cognitive impairment and delayed motor skills on its own, it seems to enhance the drinking experience.

The reason for this could have something to do with the fact that CBD imitates the depressant effects of alcohol when you use the substances together. However, other chemical processes may be going on that require further research.

Further research needs to be done on how exactly it reduces the alcohol level in the blood. One theory suggests that it reduces liver inflammation, which helps the body to metabolize the alcohol quicker.

Is It Safe to Take CBD Oil and Wine Together?

Several human and animal studies have reported that CBD may reduce some of the side effects of alcohol. However, there’s minimal research on whether consuming CBD and wine together causes adverse health effects.

Moreover, the effects of CBD differ from person to person, so it’s hard to determine whether mixing CBD and wine would have similar effects on everyone.

Also, most current research focuses on the effects of using very high amounts of alcohol with CBD, and not the effects of having a few drinks here and there with CBD.

Basically, we do not know as much about the effects of occasional and moderate consumption. For this reason, you should be wary when using CBD and wine together, especially if you’re unsure about how either will affect you.

If you do decide to use CBD and wine together, stick to a low amount of each to minimize the risk of experiencing adverse side effects.

Final Thoughts on Drinking Alcohol While Taking CBD

Currently, there is not enough research to determine the effects of mixing wine and CBD. However, since both CBD and alcohol are known to reduce anxiety and induce relaxation, we can assume that when you use them together, these effects are amplified.

Alcohol, like wine, is known to cause mental and physical impairment, but it’s currently unclear whether or not CBD intensifies these effects enough to cause concern. Not nearly enough research has been done on how CBD interacts with alcohol – and more specifically, wine.

That said, there are no reported instances showing that the use of wine and CBD is unsafe. Also, you can’t overdose on CBD, so drinking alcohol should have very little if any adverse effects if done in moderation and responsibly.

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