- Bio Cleanse sells 100% vegan body cleansing supplements that are made with a probiotic formula
- Some cannabis users say Bio Cleanse can help pass a THC drug test
- We tested several of the brand’s products with at-home drug tests, and failed them all
- If you have an upcoming drug test, we do NOT recommend Bio Cleanse as a fast detox solution
Products like Bio Cleanse organic detox kits aren’t designed or marketed to help people pass drug tests, but the truth is, that’s what a lot of people use them for. The problem is, they don’t seem to work at all.
In fact, several members of our review team (all of whom use cannabis heavily) tried the product, and all of them failed at-home cannabis urine tests.
To learn more about our experience in this Bio Cleanse detox review, continue reading below.
Or, if you’re in a pinch and want our recommendation for an advanced one-day detox that actually will help you pass a drug test, check out the link below:

Based on our review, Bio Cleanse detox kits do NOT work to help pass a drug test. The only thing that did work during our extensive review was a 24-hour dietary fiber detox that eliminated traces of THC from the urine in less than 24-hours. If you have an upcoming drug test and need to detox fast, this advanced treatment seems to be by far the most effective, especially for heavy marijuana users:
Bio Cleanse: About the Brand
Bio Cleanse offers a variety of detox products ranging from standard detoxification kits to probiotics. This is a small, family-owned business that operates out of the small town of Tualatin, Oregon. Their goal is to help people regain health via natural methods, and the company has a focus on colon cleansing products. It claims its Colon Cleanse offering is the best on the market, utilizing organic and chemical-free products. The product is filled with herbs and nutrients designed to remove toxins from the body, and it could also boost energy and imbue you with a general sense of wellbeing.
The products themselves seem to be of high-quality and very well made, but they’re not what you’re looking for if you’re trying to quickly detox from marijuana in order to pass a drug test.
Bio Cleanse products are high-quality and very well made, but they’re not what you need if you’re trying to detox from marijuana and pass a drug test.
The company sells five distinct products, all of which are ‘wildcrafted’ (which means the raw ingredients were gathered from the wild). All of the products are suitable for vegans, and the herbs are supposedly picked at the height of their potency and dried using natural methods.
Without further ado, let’s review Bio Cleanse’s primary product.
Bio Cleanse – Organic Detox Kit Review
This is the brand’s most famous offering, but at $78, this Organic Detox Kit isn’t cheap. Bio Cleanse claims it performs an effective mucoid plaque cleanse. You can choose between the full-strength 9-day cleanse, or the slightly milder 14-day option. The company says its customers report the following:
- Weight loss of up to 22 pounds on average
- Didn’t feel hungry during the process and also developed better eating habits
- Healthier skin
- Normalized blood pressure
- A higher level of energy and more mental clarity
Bio Cleanse goes as far as to say it offers an educational system, rather than a mere supplement. The pure bentonite clay seemingly detoxifies the body when combined with the herbal formula and program.
The entire kit includes the following:
Digestive Booster
Containing 90 capsules, there is enough here for 45 servings. Each capsule contains 930mg of a proprietary blend containing ingredients such as licorice root, cape aloe leaf, turkey rhubarb root, and fennel seed. It contains 15 specially chosen herbs, including Western and Ayurvedic herbs. Humans have used these ingredients for millennia as a form of cleansing the body.
According to Bio Cleanse, its team has performed years of research to find the optimal herb ratio. It says that if you take it at the onset of a cold, it could help remove viruses and bacteria from your digestive tract. It may also flush waste from the organs and lymphatic system.
Toxin Remover
This product consists of mountain clay. When mixed with liquid, it absorbs toxins from the bowels and prevents them from re-entering your bloodstream. Each tub contains 300 grams and offers 35 servings. Ingredients include ginger root, psyllium husk, and weathered volcanic ash.
According to Bio Cleanse, the unique array of ingredients binds to toxins, mucoid plaque, and debris lodged in the colon. Ginger stops bloating and removes parasites. Psyllium ‘bulks’ the mixture, and helps pull the clay through your colon, while the clay itself is smooth and easy to consume.
The brand also states that Bentonite is so effective because it has a negative charge and acts like a magnet. As a result, it draws positively charged particles such as pathogens and heavy metals into it.
This probiotic formula helps recolonize the bowels with friendly organisms after the cleansing process. It helps prevent parasites from forming, and each container offers 60 capsules. You should take one per day. It contains 11 strains of bacteria and is designed to be more alkalizing on the body.
The kit includes a 44-page instruction booklet that provides useful information about the colon cleansing process. The Digest Power formula stimulates your organs and bowels, the Toxin Remover absorbs the newly released toxins, and the probiotics keep harmful bacteria at bay.
Does It Work?
Yes and no. Bio Cleanse detox kits are fantastic for weight loss and general health and wellness, but in our experience they don’t seem to help with THC detox.
If you’re looking for a general cleanse to feel healthier, by all means this is a great kit. If you’re trying to remove THC from your system, however, we highly suggest looking elsewhere. (See the promoted brand at the top of this article for a dietary fiber detox that helped us pass a drug test within 24-hours).
When using Bio Cleanse organic detox, may feel initial discomfort as your body removes its impurities, but eventually, you will get used to the experience. The toxin remover does a reasonable job of removing those hunger pangs. Unlike many other cleansing products, you shouldn’t feel the need to indulge in junk food because those cravings dissipate almost entirely.
It isn’t easy to subsist only on what’s in the kit, water, and 100% organic apple juice for nine days. If you persist, however, you may surprise yourself. There are a lot of positive customer reviews on the official site, though it is always wise to take those with a grain of salt. The overall reviews on Amazon were far less complimentary, with a rating slightly above three stars.
Does Bio Cleanse Sell Anything Else?
Yes. In fact, you can purchase all three components of the Organic Detox Kit separately: The Digest Power, the Toxin Remover, the Vegan Probiotic are all available separately for $25.95. You are encouraged to try one if you want a quicker and less demanding cleansing option.
Bio Cleanse also sells Alkalizing Superfood, which you can buy for $19.88. It is designed as a daily addition to your diet. It increases your intake of vitamins, alkalizing minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants in your body. Ingredients include organic American wheat, organic Egyptian beets, and chlorella grown in South Korea. It contains over one-third of your daily vitamin A needs and consists of seven ‘superfoods.’
Although Bio Cleanse uses the most expensive ingredients, it has managed to keep the retail cost to a similar level of other superfoods. Overall, it is a solid product, and you will receive 50 servings per container. This works out at less than $0.50 a day, which is a small price to pay for the chance of maintaining good health.
Where Can I Buy Bio Cleanse Products?
You can find all of the products mentioned in this review on the official Bio Cleanse website. The brand is quick to point out that it takes no responsibility for what happens during a cleanse. It offers a 90-day refund, but doesn’t accept returns without prior approval. Also, you only get your money back if the products are unopened.
Final Thoughts on Bio Cleanse Detox Kits
Do not confuse this company with the Bio Cleanse supplement sold by Plexus, which has received mainly poor reviews. Bio Cleanse has received mostly positive reviews from its many online customers, but we’ll say it again: if you’re looking for a marijuana detox that will help you quickly pass a drug test, this is not the product you should be using.
Our rating (general detox use): 7.5/10
Our rating (THC/marijuana detox): 2/10

Based on our review, Bio Cleanse detox kits do NOT work to help pass a drug test. The only thing that did work during our extensive review was a 24-hour dietary fiber detox that eliminated traces of THC from the urine in less than 24-hours. If you have an upcoming drug test and need to detox fast, this advanced treatment seems to be by far the most effective, especially for heavy marijuana users: