Oriental Express Strain (Cannabis Strain Review)

Oriental Express Strain (Cannabis Strain Review)

This strain is a slightly sativa leaning hybrid that’s a product of several Asian strains. Like many strains originating from Asia, Oriental Express offers a fresh earthy and piney scent. It is often used to help boost a person’s mood and may prove useful for individuals with cramps.

Price(per gram)
Dominant Terpene:
Caryophyllene, Limonene, Linalool
Common Usage
Growing Info
Oriental Express’ flowering period is around 8-10 weeks. You can cultivate it indoors or outdoors.

Breeders are developing the skill to create strains that produce a specific effect. In the case of Oriental Express, the goal was to help users remain relaxed but clear-headed enough to remain sociable. It is a strain with outstanding genetics, so let’s find out more.

What Is the Oriental Express Strain?

There is some confusion when it comes to determining Oriental Express. There is also a strain called Orient Express, which Ace Seeds created and is a cross of China Yunnan and Vietnam Black.

Some say that Billy Goat Seeds created Oriental Express, while others claim Nectar Seeds is responsible. The strain is likely a cross of Afghani, Thai, and Mexican landraces, forming a slightly sativa hybrid.

In general, it provides a cerebral high that isn’t immediately apparent. After a short while, however, you will feel a level of clear-headed intoxication.

Most users report that they feel minimal body effects, which enables them to complete their daily tasks. The high may even make you feel energized and increase productivity.


One of the first things you’ll notice with Oriental Express is the combination of earth and pine scent, with more than a hint of lemon. The skunkiness of the Thai genetics is also quite apparent.


Smoking Oriental Express provides the same earthy and herbal taste, especially on the exhale. You might also get slight citrus notes. Also, this strain could induce coughing.

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Those who use Oriental Express usually note that it has a typical sativa structure. This includes vibrant green leaves and loose buds.

Oriental Express Grow Info

When you have Oriental Express Seeds, you can grow your crop indoors or outdoors. Although it is a combination of several landraces, it is relatively easy to find them commercially. It is a strain with stable genetics, which means you have the opportunity to use your plants to crossbreed and create something new.


If you grow Oriental Express indoors, its flowering time can take up to 10 weeks. When you grow it outside in a suitable climate, it is generally ready to harvest by the end of October. Those who grow it outside find that the yield is often significantly more extensive than when they perform indoor cultivation.

While it is sativa leaning, Oriental Express plants remain relatively short. Its thick structure means that growers must top plants during the vegetative stage. It is also essential to remove useless leaves. These processes ensure that ample light reaches the lower branches. You must also keep humidity to a moderate level. Otherwise, you will increase the risk of your crop developing mold.

Oriental Express is a plant that requires some maintenance. However, it shouldn’t take up a considerable amount of your time.

THC Content – Highest Test

On average, Oriental Express has approximately 16% THC. However, we have heard reports of tests that revealed up to 23%. In general, the high you experience is moderate compared to the more potent options on the market. Novices can try it, but still need to exercise caution.

CBD Content – Highest Test

Most reports suggest that Oriental Express’ CBD content is less than 1%.

Medical Benefits of the Oriental Express Strain

Although it depends on the user, Oriental Express could potentially help improve focus. As a result, individuals with ADD/ADHD may find it useful as a means of getting them on track. It is a potential mood booster, so individuals with depression may find that this is a strain worth trying.

Its ability to elevate the mood means that Oriental Express is often championed as a sociable strain. Consider using it before engaging in any social event. The high can last for several hours, and you may find yourself being chattier than usual.

As it offers moderate intoxication, you may find that this strain isn’t quite right for helping with chronic pain. However, some users claim that it has mild analgesic properties. You could try it to see if it assists with issues such as cramps and headaches.

Possible Side Effects of the Oriental Express Strain

Although Oriental Express can make you feel supercharged, there is a possibility that you will experience a feeling of disorientation. In rare cases, users have reported experiencing frantic thoughts that were hard to get under control.

Aside from these issues, you may encounter minor problems such as dry mouth and dry eyes. Both are among the most commonly experienced issues when smoking cannabis. One option is to consume edibles and reduce smoke irritation. Another is to ensure you are well hydrated before using any strain.

Final Thoughts on the Oriental Express Strain

This is an excellent option if you want to experience the joys of a classic Asian marijuana strain. Oriental Express provides the earthy, skunky, piney taste that cannabis aficionados adore.

In terms of THC content, it is in the middle of the pack by modern standards. That said, it is potent enough to warrant respect, especially if you are a new cannabis user.

It provides a cerebral high that never threatens to envelop the body. As a result, you can use it in the afternoon or before you attend an event. It could help improve your mood and help you focus. Oriental Express is also relatively easy to grow and is a strain that a first-timer could have joy with.

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