Leafwell Review: MMJ Doctor Approvals Made Easy

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Medical marijuana is now legal in most American states, and several million people are proud holders of valid MMJ cards. Such individuals have the right to purchase a specific amount of weed and use it in a private residence. In some states, there are even cannabis consumption lounges!

However, despite the rapid growth of medical marijuana in the U.S., millions of potentially eligible people still don’t apply for one reason or another. For some, there remain difficulties in finding a “cannabis-friendly” physician. For others, there is the issue of affordability, while still more people find the entire process frustratingly complex.

This is why organizations dedicated to helping people get their medical marijuana cards exist. Such companies look to improve the MMJ card application process and educate people along the way. Leafwell is among the best-known enterprises in this field, but is it trustworthy? Find out more in this exclusive review.

Who Is Leafwell?

In states where medical marijuana is legal, Leafwell enables patients to apply for their cards quickly and easily. The organization also allows patients to book online consultations with physicians licensed in their states. However, Leafwell is much more than a company that helps you get a physician’s certification.

When working in MMJ clinics in California, Emily Fisher saw first-hand the cannabis plant’s therapeutic potential and versatility. One of the reasons she founded Leafwell was to increase access to medical marijuana for individuals with qualifying conditions.


learn valuable information on the benefits of weed as a medicine. According to Leafwell, cannabis is “a pharmacy in a plant.” It aims to use its platform to:

  • Increase access to MMJ through online certifications
  • Gather and publish more research into the medical benefits of marijuana
  • Help patients learn more about what the plant can do for them
  • Enable people to understand why cannabis should be considered a medicine

Leafwell utilizes technology to help it look at real-world uses of cannabis. Now, let’s check out what this company can do for you.

What Services Does Leafwell Offer?

Leafwell mainly aims to help people with qualifying conditions get their MMJ card online. It connects you with a network of doctors and can ensure you’re certified online in minutes! You no longer need to scour your city or county for a cannabis-friendly doctor; Leafwell has an army of them ready and waiting for your call.

Over one million users trust Leafwell, and this number is rising quickly as the business expands its services. It offers access to licensed healthcare providers in most American states with functioning medical marijuana programs.


Besides the above, Leafwell is on a mission to spread the word that MMJ has incredible benefits. In addition to using telemedicine to increase access to doctors, the company uses data to monitor the products purchased by MMJ patients and their dosages.

It also examines the outcome assessment by the patient and physician, including the efficacy of medical marijuana. Ultimately, Leafwell can provide detailed and invaluable insights into the effectiveness of MMJ for different patient populations. This is part of its evidence-based approach to ensuring cannabis becomes available to millions of people who need it globally.

The Leafwell MMJ Card Application Process Explained

Those who use Leafwell’s service to gain MMJ approval are usually pleased with the process’s ease. Below, we outline how to get a medical card via Leafwell. Please note that the procedure may differ slightly depending on the state:

  • Register online with your state’s medical marijuana program (if applicable)
  • Register with Leafwell; you will need to provide your medical records for the doctor to look at before the appointment
  • Speak to a doctor online at the time of your choosing; its clinic team is available from 8 am Eastern to 8 pm Pacific, seven days a week
  • You chat with the doctor about your need for MMJ, and they will decide whether you meet the state program’s criteria
  • If approved, you will receive the certification needed to apply for your state’s MMJ program; depending on where you live, the doctor may submit it on your behalf

You still have to apply for the medical marijuana program yourself, but Leafwell takes the stress out of finding a licensed physician. According to most users, the consultation usually takes no longer than 15 minutes. Once you get your MMJ card, you’re free to buy weed legally in your state as long as you follow the program’s rules.

What Else Does Leafwell Offer?

Apart from the MMJ consultation, the Leafwell site provides you with detailed information on the medical marijuana program of most states. This includes content on:

Apart from the MMJ consultation, the Leafwell site provides you with detailed information on the medical marijuana program of most states. This includes content on:

  • How to qualify
  • The current list of qualifying conditions
  • How much MMJ you can buy and possess in your state
  • The state’s caregiver program
  • The general MMJ process in your state
  • Whether your state accepts out-of-state MMJ cards
  • The legality of growing marijuana in your state

Leafwell provides additional information on different aspects of marijuana and its many cannabinoids.

Can I Trust Leafwell?

The answer is a resounding “yes.” Leafwell has been in business for several years and has many satisfied customers. It ensures you’re connected with a licensed physician in your state and charges a very reasonable price. Please note that the cost varies between $39 and $199, depending on your location.

Furthermore, Leafwell has a money-back guarantee, although it specifies that it can’t offer refunds in every situation. The service is completely secure and HIPAA compliant.

Final Thoughts on Leafwell

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to get a doctor’s approval for MMJ in your state, Leafwell is one of the best options. It is a highly reputable organization that has helped an incredible amount of people so far. Leafwell is transparent in everything it does and offers information on the company and its key figures on the official website.

Moreover, it looks to educate people about medical marijuana and boasts an astonishing library of evidence-based content. With a money-back guarantee (in certain situations) and consultations that last about 15 minutes, you don’t have much to lose if you use Leafwell to get your MMJ card.

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