3 Ways to Make Hash WITHOUT Using Solvents

Cannabis concentrates have soared in popularity in recent years. They offer an extremely potent way to consume marijuana and come in a variety of forms.

The high demand for concentrates has led many people to consider making their own at home. One downside is that most forms of concentrate require solvents to extract cannabinoids from the plant material.

These can include ethanol or butane, which are potentially extremely dangerous when mishandled. These solvents can also cause contamination of the end product if they are not fully evaporated after extraction. So, what if you want to make cannabis concentrates without the risk?

Fortunately, it is entirely possible to make concentrates such as hash without using solvents at all. The process is safe and reasonably straightforward, providing you have a few basic pieces of equipment to hand.

Here are three ways to make hash without using solvents.

1. Dry Sift

Dry sift is probably one of the simplest ways of making hash there is. It requires very little in the way of skill. You only need a few basic items to make high-quality hashish.

The dry sift technique uses friction to separate trichomes from your plant material. Trichomes are the resin-producing glands that cover the buds of the female marijuana plant and are laden with cannabinoids and terpenes. When these are separated from the plant matter, they form a dusty substance known as kief.

Then you can press the kief into balls or blocks to produce a form of hash that is exceptionally pure. Dry sift hash is said to have a great flavor as well as a high cannabinoid content. Here is what you need to make your own:

  • Dried and cured cannabis bud or trim
  • A set of micron screens
  • A plastic card or scraper (an old credit card will do)
  • Disposable gloves

How to Make Dry Sift

First, you need to set up your micron screens. These are made of fine mesh, with the diameter of the holes indicated by the micron count. The screens with the largest holes have a higher micron count. A set of dry sift screens usually contains 4–6 screens. The screens with the largest holes typically have a micron count of at least 200. Then the number of microns dwindles to about 60 by the final screen.

Stack your screens in ascending order. This means the screen with the lowest micron count is on the bottom, and the one with the highest micron count is on top.

Wear your gloves to avoid getting sticky hands and put your plant material on the top screen. It is a good idea to break large buds into smaller pieces to make them easier to handle.

Rub your buds or trim back and forth across the screen for a few minutes. Try to use smooth, steady movements and do not apply too much pressure. You want to create friction to break off the trichomes, not push the plant material through the screen.

After doing this for a few minutes, lift the top screen off the stack. You should find a layer of kief collected on the screen beneath. You can smoke it as it is, but for a purer product, you will want to separate it further.

Patience Brings a Purer Product

Use your plastic card or scraper to gently move the kief back and forth across the second screen for a few more minutes.

When you lift this screen, you should find another layer of kief collected below. This will be purer and of higher quality than the previous layer.

Keep repeating the process for each screen in the stack. By the time you get to the bottom screen, you will have an extremely potent and pure product.

Use your scraper to transfer the kief from each screen into clean glass jars. You can keep the different grades of kief separate or try mixing them. Although a mixed product is less pure, it may contain a better mix of terpenes for improved flavor.

You can use your dry sift as it is by sprinkling it into a joint, vape, bowl, or bong. Alternatively, you can fold the kief carefully in a piece of baking parchment and apply heat. A set of hair straighteners is ideal for this job. This process will press your dry sift into a block of hash that is easier to handle than the powder itself.

2. Bubble Hash

The idea behind bubble hash (also known as water hash or ice hash) is similar to dry sift. It uses friction to separate trichomes from plant material. However, rather than using dry screens, bubble hash uses bags filled with water and ice. To make bubble hash at home, you will need:


  • Marijuana bud or trim (fresh or dried)
  • A set of micron ‘bubble bags’
  • 2 x 5-gallon buckets
  • A mixing tool
  • Ice
  • Water
  • A plastic card or scraper

How to Make Bubble Hash

It is possible to make bubble hash using dried or fresh plant material. If using fresh, place your buds in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before starting to make the trichomes more brittle.

Set up your micron bags in one of the buckets. Once again, ensure the bag with the lowest micron count is on the bottom, and the one with the highest micron count is on top. Fold the tops of the bags over the bucket to secure them.

Fill the top bag with layers of ice and plant material. The more ice you use, the better.

Pour in enough water to cover the plant material and ice.

Stir the mixture vigorously. You can do this manually using a stick, although this is very labor-intensive. Some people use a hand mixer or a household drill with a paddle attachment. You can also purchase a machine to do the hard work for you!

After stirring for 10–15 minutes, lift out the top bag and squeeze the plant material to remove the liquid. Set this aside in your second bucket.

When you lift out the remaining bags, you should find a layer of trichomes collected on the bottom of each. Scrape these off using your plastic card and dry them on the screen that came with your micron bags. Again, the product that you collect from the bottom bag will be of the highest quality. You can keep each grade of hash separate or mix them if you prefer.

Repeat the process if necessary to maximize your yield.

Once dried, scrape your bubble hash into clean glass jars to store. Use it as is or form into blocks using the method listed for dry sift.

3. Charas

Charas is one of the most traditional ways of making hash without solvents. It is popular in Northern India, Nepal, and Pakistan. All you need to make it is some weed and your hands. For this reason, charas is sometimes also known as finger hash.

Although the process of making charas is simple, it is potentially time-consuming and messy. However, it produces a potent product and is fun to try at least once. To make charas, you will need:

  • Fresh marijuana flower (it is best to use bud which is 2–3 weeks away from being mature)
  • Strong dish soap and vegetable oil for cleaning your hands

How to Make Charas

Before starting to make charas, ensure that your hands are really clean. Use unscented soap and rinse thoroughly.

Select a medium-sized bud with a piece of stem still attached for support.

Squeeze lightly and roll the bud gently and slowly between your hands. The more slowly you roll, the higher quality your end product is, so be patient.

After a few minutes, you will notice a build-up of resin on your palms. When you have collected as much resin as possible, discard the bud. Continue to rub your hands together so that the resin begins to form a stick or a ball.

Store charas in an airtight container and clean your hands using a mixture of dish soap and oil.

Charas is traditionally smoked in a clay pipe called a chillum. However, you can add a thin strand to joints or spliffs or use it in a bowl, bong, vape, or dab rig.

The Best Strains for Making Hash

To make the best quality hash, you will want to choose a strain that produces large amounts of resin. Generally speaking, indica strains are better for this, although there are exceptions to the rule.

Some of the best strains for making hash include:

Look for a plant that has plenty of sparkly trichomes covering its buds, and you should be onto a winner.

3 Ways to Make Hash WITHOUT Using Solvents: Final Thoughts

If you want to make cannabis concentrates but don’t like the idea of using solvents, there are plenty of options available. The above are just a few ways to make hash without endangering your health.

Remember that these products are much more potent than regular cannabis flower. Therefore, you must use them with caution. If you are new to marijuana or have low tolerance, take it slow and don’t consume more than you can handle. Always use your cannabis concentrates responsibly for maximum enjoyment!

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