8 Tips for Cultivating OG Kush Cannabis: Grower’s Guide

There is something magical about being able to grow your favorite cannabis strain. But, unfortunately, it is only possible for you to grow marijuana in specific states where cultivation is legal. Therefore, these grow guides are for residents of states that allow cultivation for personal use. We’ll discuss this issue further in Tip #7.

In this how-to guide, we provide the tips you need to grow lush OG Kush nugs like a seasoned pro.

 In this grow guide for OG Kush, we provide tips to help you achieve a successful harvest. First, though, here’s a quick strain overview.

What Is OG Kush?

OG Kush is one of the most famous and popular cannabis strains of all time. Despite being so well-known, OG Kush’s origins are shrouded in mystery, with several different stories relating to its creation. However, many believe that it is a cross of Chemdawg, Lemon Thai, Hindu Kush, and an unknown Northern Californian strain.

It’s not just OG’s origins that are contentious. The cannabis community differs in opinion about what the letters OG stand for. Some believe that OG stands for OverGrown.com, a Canadian cannabis growing website shut down by the police in 2006. Others suggest that OG is a homage to Original Gangster, the infamous California marijuana strain.

What everyone agrees on is that OG Kush is an indica-dominant hybrid. It is an incredibly potent strain with a THC content as high as 27%. OG Kush provides you with an intensely strong high that hits you very quickly. The cerebral buzz can sedate you after a while, and it can ultimately cause couch-lock. The earthy and pungent scent is alluring, and the sparkling resinous crystals are aesthetically pleasing.

Given its powerful sedative qualities, some medicinal marijuana consumers use it to manage insomnia. However, as it has mood-enhancing effects, particularly in its early stages, some use it to address depression and anxiety.

OG Kush is relatively expensive, which means you can save money by growing it at home. Keep reading to learn how to grow this legendary cannabis strain.

OG Kush Tip #1 – It Grows Well Inside and Outside

Certain marijuana strains flourish indoors, while others provide spectacular yields outside. With OG Kush, you can expect it to provide a higher yield when grown outdoors. Indoor growers should consider utilizing the Sea of Green or Screen of Green method to boost their yield. On average, OG Kush provides 17 ounces per square meter planted indoors, and its flowering time is 8–9 weeks.

On average, OG Kush produces 17 oz of bud per square meter (indoors), and its flowering time is between 8-9 weeks.

Outdoor growers can expect up to 16 ounces per plant and to harvest in early October. The main issue you will face is powdery mildew attacks (we cover this more in tip #6), but you can combat this issue by improving airflow. These plants require pruning because OG Kush is indica-dominant, which means it grows short and dense.

OG Kush Tip #2 – For Indoor Growth, Consider a Hydroponics Setup

Marijuana has grown unfettered around the world for thousands of years and is renowned for its toughness. The plant has even adapted to varied climate conditions by developing different types of weed. For example, sativas thrive in a warm climate, whereas indicas originate in the harsh environment of the Eurasian Steppe.

Traditionally, marijuana was grown in soil, but hydroponic systems have become more prevalent in the modern era. Quite simply, hydroponics involves using an inert growing medium instead of soil. Ancient civilizations may have used hydroponics in gardening, so it is far from a new phenomenon.

OG Kush is a prime candidate for this growing method due to its susceptibility to disease when grown in soil. There are three main growing medium options:


Rockwool—This is the most popular choice because of its moisture-retaining ability. It is made from thin rock fibers and needs to be soaked in a pH solution of 5.5 before use.

Clay Pellets – These heavy pellets support your plant well and wick moisture towards the roots.

Coconut Fiber – This is the most environmentally friendly option and is excellent for retaining moisture.

There are also several hydroponic setup options for OG Kush, including:

  • Wick System
  • Aeroponics
  • Drip System
  • Ebb and Flow
  • Nutrient Film Technique
  • Deep Water Culture
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If you elect to use a hydroponics system on your OG Kush grow, you must ensure that your plants get enough nutrients.

OG Kush Tip #3 – Feeding the Plants

Like all cannabis plants, OG Kush requires nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. However, like all plants with OG genetics, OG Kush requires a healthy dose of calcium and magnesium. Calcium provides structure to the plant and helps it withstand stress.

Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to determine whether a cannabis plant has a calcium deficiency because it is typically accompanied by other issues, such as iron or magnesium deficiency.

Bear in mind that calcium moves through the OG Kush plant rather slowly. As a result, you can spot deficiencies in parts of fan leaves exposed to light and newer growth. Signs to look out for include curled tips, stunted growth, crinkling, dead spots, and small or unusual-looking new leaves.

Signs for calcium deficiency in an OG Kush grow include curled tips, dead spots, crinkling, stunted growth, and small/unusual looking new leaves.

 If your OG Kush plant doesn’t receive enough calcium, it displays these telltale signs:

  • The stems become weak and hollow
  • The development of the buds and flowers is slow
  • The roots become more susceptible to root rot.

A calcium deficiency is a particular problem when using a hydroponic grow setup. If you believe your plants have a calcium deficiency, invest in a Cal-Mag (calcium and magnesium) supplement.

As magnesium is a mobile nutrient, your plants can transport it from old leaves to new ones. The problem with this deficiency is that it can quickly cause your plants to lose many lower leaves. Your plants may have a magnesium deficiency if the bottom leaves on the plant have yellow or bright green edges that feel crisp to the touch.

OG Kush Tip #4 – Growing at the Right Temperature

The generic temperature range for OG Kush is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It handles lower night-time temperatures better than most strains, and you must drop the humidity during flowering.

During the vegetative stage, keep the temperature close to 80 degrees. Once your OG Kush reaches the flowering stage, drop it to around 70 degrees. Ensure there is no more than a 10-15 degree drop between day and night temperatures throughout the growth cycle.


If your grow room is too cold for a prolonged period, you will shock your plants, slow down growth, and possibly kill the entire crop! Colder temperatures also increase the risk of mold. In addition, it can cause the OG Kush plant’s leaves to turn purple, and low temperatures also reduce the rate of photosynthesis.

Allowing your grow room temperature to exceed 80 degrees is potentially harmful. This slows down bud growth during the flowering stage and reduces the buds’ aroma and potency. Excess heat also increases the risk of attracting pests such as spider mites. Additionally, the leaves can wilt due to root oxygen deprivation.

OG Kush Tip #5 – CO2 Enrichment Changes the Optimal Temperature Range

The game changes when you add carbon dioxide enrichment to the equation. By increasing the CO2 level of your grow room, you can increase the yield by up to 20%. Marijuana plants breathe CO2 rather than oxygen because it is a vital part of the photosynthesis process. CO2 enrichment also ensures your plants are more resistant to heat and light stress.

DID YOU KNOW: By exposing OG Kush plants to increased levels of CO2, you can increase their yield by up to 20%?

With CO2 enrichment, your crop grows in an environment where the air contains 1200–1500 ppm of CO2. For it to work, you have to seal up the grow room and release more carbon dioxide into the air. A CO2 generator is the most obvious choice, but you can also purchase compressed CO2. With at least 1200 ppm of CO2, your OG Kush plants can thrive at a temperature of up to 95 degrees.

OG Kush Tip #6 – Beware of Bud Rot & Powdery Mildew

OG Kush is susceptible to these twin problems. If you don’t spot these issues quickly, they can devastate your crop. Bud rot is a form of mold that develops on the stem inside of the bud. It spreads outward and is notoriously tough to catch early on. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for bud rot to produce spores that can spread throughout the garden. If you catch the rot too late (buds look grey and squishy), you may have to discard the entire plant.

Bud rot loves an excessively humid environment and thrives in poorly ventilated rooms. Therefore, you should keep humidity at a maximum of 55% during the vegetative stage and lower it to 40% during flowering.

Purchase high-quality fans to promote good airflow, and consider pruning your OG Kush plants if they become too thick. If you find bud rot on a plant, remove the affected area and place the rest of the plant in a separate room. Otherwise, you risk the infection spreading to the rest of the garden.

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Powdery mildew is easier to spot because it appears as a white powder on plants’ leaves and branches. However, it spreads like lightning and ends up on bud sites. Unfortunately, OG Kush is prone to mildew, which means you have to take precautions during the growing process.

First, if you see evidence of mildew, spray your OG Kush plants with organic fungicides and compost tea. Please make sure the plants are pruned for better airflow and act as soon as you see it. If you see cannabis that’s ready to be harvested with powdery mildew, spray a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water to kill the mildew and sterilize the plants.

 OG Kush Tip #7 – Growing the Strain – Keep It Legal!

Some states in the US, like D.C., now allow for marijuana to be legally grown. In most of these states, you are only allowed to cultivate weed at home if you have a medical marijuana card.

There are exceptions, primarily in states where cannabis is legal recreationally. But even in those areas, you have to adhere to state laws. For example, in California and Massachusetts, you are allowed to grow a maximum of six plants. In the latter state, you can grow up to 12 in a residence with two adults aged 21+.

In Oregon, the maximum allowance falls to four plants per household. In Rhode Island, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, you can only grow with an MMJ card.

DID YOU KNOW: If you get caught growing weed in Alabama, and your crime is classified as ‘Manufacture 1st Degree,’ you could be sentenced to life in prison.

In New York, cannabis is legal medicinally and decriminalized in most cases, but growing it at home is a misdemeanor. The legalization of recreational cannabis in New York means cultivation will soon be legal, however. In Washington state, marijuana is legal recreationally, but only MMJ cardholders can grow it.

You face big problems if you are caught growing marijuana in a state where it is illegal. In Utah, for example, possession of over a pound is classified as a felony. It can result in up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. In Alabama, if your crime is classified as ‘Manufacture 1st Degree’, you could be sentenced to life in prison!

In any event, we do not recommend growing cannabis illegally, and if you ignore our advice, you do so at your own risk. It’s also worth noting that legislation changes frequently, so always check up-to-date information.

OG Kush Tip #8 – Don’t Forget About Security

The national average cost of an ounce of OG Kush is $255 (much higher in California). Even if you grow just six good plants and have around 60 ounces, that equates to over $15,000 worth of cannabis. If you have a commercial license, you can grow even more. Indoor growers don’t need to take any greater security measures than they usually would regarding keeping burglars at bay. If your weed is out of sight and you don’t broadcast the fact that you’re growing, you should be fine.

However, it is a different matter for anyone who grows OG Kush outdoors. As well as fighting against pests and predators, you have to keep your crop safe from would-be thieves. Consider investing in personal security cameras and audible alarms. Technology has advanced to the stage where multiple-camera security systems are eminently affordable. You link these to an online server and can monitor them from anywhere. If you want to cause thieves to run for the hills, install an audible alarm system.

Lastly, you need to hide your crops from public view; in fact, this is a legal requirement in most states. Creating a grow tent outdoors is a good idea. Install a carbon filter or another device that neutralizes odors.

The last thing you want is for the sweet smell of weed to pierce the nostrils of passers-by. Good security measures could be the difference between a fabulous yield and a crushing disappointment.

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