CBD Oil In Michigan: The Complete Buyers Guide

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Residents of Michigan haven’t had the smoothest ride when it comes to marijuana. Before the passing of Proposal 1 in November 2018 (which legalized the recreational use of cannabis in the state), some strict laws were in place compared to most other places in America. Furthermore, Michigan has a complicated history of cannabis legislation. Unfortunately, this has left many residents unsure of what is – and isn’t – legal.

That said, the state has come a long way regarding the legalities around the MMJ. This is no doubt great news for thousands of suffering individuals.

If you are a resident of Michigan looking for the most up-to-date information around CBD and how to obtain it, then you have come to the right place! In this article, we discuss what CBD (cannabidiol) is, how it works, and where to get it if you’re a resident of the Great Lake State.

CBD: The Non-Intoxicating Cannabinoid

There are well over a hundred different cannabinoids in the marijuana plant. It is understood that CBD is the non-intoxicating relative of THC. CBD is also one of the most useful cannabinoids in terms of pain relief and other forms of medicinal therapy.

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Unlike other studied cannabinoids, CBD will not produce a “high” in the user. This makes it appealing to most patients. This is also why CBD has become sought after as a treatment for so many enervating conditions. CBD potentially has many positive attributes, including the following properties:

  • Antibacterial
  • Neuro-protectant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Muscle relaxant
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Relieves pain

However, the stigma surrounding the cannabis plant means we need evidence that not all compounds produced by the plant cause the same results. This rings especially true since most people associate cannabis with the well-known THC high.

What Does This All Mean?

Researchers have made groundbreaking findings regarding CBD’s effects. Some of these publications have documented positive results on the symptoms of:

There are many more documented conditions and clinical studies where CBD was used as a viable therapeutic option. The scale and variety of diseases highlight how versatile a treatment CBD potentially is. Moreover, it is 100% natural with minimal side effects!

Is CBD Oil Legal in Michigan?

If you are a Michigan resident, you can obtain an MMJ card after getting a recommendation from a licensed physician. However, recreational cannabis is also legal in the state if you’re aged 21+.

Therefore, one would imagine that finding high-quality CBD oil in Michigan is easy and legal. You’re right for making this assumption. Purchasing CBD oil derived from hemp with a maximum of 0.3% THC in Michigan is legal and extremely simple. If you don’t find a dispensary or CBD store you like, countless online vendors ship to the state.

Recreational cannabis is legal for adults in Michigan, so it follows that CBD products are permitted, too.

Michigan was one of the first U.S. states to implement a medical marijuana program in 2008. However, the old laws made dispensaries illegal! As a result, retail operations could only apply for a dispensary license relatively recently.

In 2014, President Barack Obama signed off on the Farm Bill, which encouraged the cultivation and research of industrial hemp across the nation. Since then, the state has legalized programs dedicated to industrial hemp research. This is exciting news for those interested in the effects of CBD oil.

CBD Laws in Michigan

While the presumption is that CBD is legal in Michigan, opponents of the cannabinoid have tried their best to keep it out of the state. Conversely, hemp supporters in Michigan have fought hard to ensure growing the crop, and using CBD derived from it, are legal in the state.

The 2014 Farm Bill was a step in the right direction but states still had to decide whether they wanted to proceed with their hemp programs. In Michigan, House Bill 5440 involved revising the definition of ‘marihuana’ in the state. Industrial hemp grown or cultivated for research was excluded from this definition. Governor Snyder signed it into law in January 2015.

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This process also authorized industrial hemp for research by universities in the state and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. This legislation was a victory for hemp and came several years after the 2008 Michigan Medical Marijuana Act.

On 6 December 2018, the state legalized recreational cannabis via The Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act. It took a while, but licensed dispensaries can now sell adult-use cannabis.

Interestingly, CBD didn’t technically gain full acceptance in Michigan until the implementation of the Michigan Industrial Hemp Research and Development Act in January 2019. It followed the 2018 Farm Bill by legalizing the growth of industrial hemp with a maximum THC content of 0.3%.

A Needlessly Opaque Picture?

Since most hemp is used for CBD products, one might assume that cannabidiol is officially legal? Unfortunately, the answer is ‘no.’ The 2018 Farm Bill didn’t specifically legalize CBD. The state of Michigan also hasn’t officially legalized the compound. Indeed, some rules explicitly say CBD can’t be added to food or beverages. It is also against the law to market it as a dietary supplement.

Nonetheless, there is no question that Michigan residents can purchase CBD oil extracted from hemp. As long as it contains less than 0.3% THC, you should have no problems. Also, bear in mind that Michigan allows recreational marijuana use!

Yet despite all the rules that seem to point in the direction of legal CBD, lawmakers in the state have tried their hardest to make things complicated.


Several months before the legalization of cannabis in the state, on May 11, 2018, Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) frightened CBD sellers. It published an Advisory Bulletin that adopted a hard-hitting stance on all forms of CBD oil sold in the state.

The Bulletin declared that LARA would treat CBD oil (including “legal” products extracted from low-THC hemp) as any other form of cannabis. As such, the sale, use, and possession of the compound would be subject to the same criminal penalties as any other form of marijuana.

One Michigan law firm even recommended that businesses immediately remove all CBD products from their shelves. Instead, it advised them to wait and see if the new recreational marijuana bill passed. Fortunately for CBD sellers, it did.

However, upon further investigation, the statements made by LARA regarding CBD laws in Michigan were little more than fearmongering. One law office published an in-depth essay interpreting the statements made by LARA’s Director of Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation, Andrew Brisbo.

The essay speculated that the main reason for LARA’s hardline stance on CBD oil was essentially to “throw a bone” to dispensary operations in the state. The use and popularity of legal hemp-based CBD products have skyrocketed in recent years. As a result, many patients chose to avoid getting their medical marijuana licenses. Instead, they purchased CBD products from online sellers or in-state retailers.

What Was the Incentive Here?

The law firm said that LARA hoped to ‘encourage’ more individuals to apply for their MMJ card and buy from licensed dispensaries, which MMFLA licensees’ tax. More application fees and more tax from licensed dispensaries mean more money for the state.

Moreover, the law firm pointed out that LARA doesn’t enforce such a hardcore stance on CBD laws. Instead, they would require the help of local law enforcement, which has never shown “any interest in going after CBD sellers or buyers.”

[Wondering how and where to buy CBD oil in Michigan? Check out this review for a list of current manufacturers who ship to the state].          

Where Can I Get CBD Oil in Michigan?

There is a huge number of CBD stores dotted throughout Michigan. Whether you live in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo, or Grand Rapids, you will doubtless see dozens of shops that sell it. You’ll also likely see gas stations selling CBD; such is its popularity.

However, we recommend focusing on dedicated CBD brands that sell online. No matter what, make sure you know the following information before buying any CBD products:

  • Where the hemp was sourced
  • The extraction method used; CO2 is best
  • Detailed information on the brand, including who runs it
  • Evidence of numerous positive legitimate customer reviews
  • Ingredients clearly stated on the label
  • Third-party testing that proves a product has minimal THC, not to mention a lack of pesticides, insecticides, solvents, and other harmful chemicals

The best CBD products in Michigan come from brands that provide clear answers to the above.

Do You Need a Medical Card for CBD Oil in Michigan?

No. Until the sale of recreational cannabis in Michigan, MMJ patients felt they had to play it safe when buying CBD. This is because they were not sure whether CBD oil in Michigan was legal. However, now that you don’t even need a medical card to buy marijuana, it is safe to say you don’t need it for CBD either.

If you are concerned about whether CBD is legal in Michigan, you should note that the Farm Bill doesn’t legalize the cannabinoid. However, it does permit the growth of industrial hemp with a maximum of 0.3% THC. Purchase CBD products that meet these criteria, and you should be fine. Also, Michigan law enforcement has no interest in arresting people for using CBD.

Again, remember, recreational cannabis is legal in the state!

Final Thoughts on CBD Oil in Michigan

A majority of states now legalize marijuana in some form or another. This is incredible when you stop and think about it. Until recently, Michigan residents were not sure if CBD oil was legal in their state. Even today, it isn’t set in stone. Nonetheless, the state widely tolerates CBD sale and use. Also, Michigan now permits the sale of recreational cannabis.

CBD rules across the United States are often confusing, but in Michigan, at least, you can buy CBD oil without any issues. It is a different story regarding edibles, though!


Are CBD Edibles Legal in Michigan??

It is a very confusing situation. Cannabis edibles are legal as part of the MMJ and recreational programs. However, there is a suggestion that CBD edibles are not. The Marijuana Regulatory Agency says licensed processors can sell edible cannabis products containing CBD if they use CBD from regulated sources.

However, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development goes by FDA rules. It says that the FDA must approve substances derived from industrial hemp before they are added to food or drink. At present, the FDA has NOT approved CBD for use in foods and beverages. Therefore, CBD edibles derived from hemp are technically illegal, while cannabis edibles containing CBD are not!

Are CBD Gummies Legal in Michigan??

The same rules apply to CBD gummies, which are classified as edibles. They are not federally legal because the FDA hasn’t approved them. 

Can You Buy CBD Oil Legally in Michigan?

Yes. Michigan hasn’t technically legalized CBD. However, like most states, it adheres to the terms of the 2018 Farm Bill. This means industrial hemp containing a maximum of 0.3% THC is legal. As this hemp is mainly used for CBD products, most states permit CBD use even if no specific laws outline it.

Furthermore, Michigan has legalized recreational cannabis, so adults aged 21+ have nothing to fear if they buy a legal amount.

Can You Travel with CBD to Michigan?

If you travel by plane, there are some confusing laws. The TSA’s screening procedures are security-focused. If they find CBD products during their search, they may call security if they feel you’re carrying cannabis.

After an awkward Q&A session with airport security, you will probably get released but potentially miss your flight and have your CBD products confiscated. However, the TSA doesn’t specifically look for CBD, so most people who bring it with them shouldn’t have an issue.

Of course, you have to check the laws of the state you’re in before landing in Michigan too. Michigan itself allows CBD use and possession.

If you’re traveling by road, bear in mind that transporting CBD across state lines is probably legal. However, the compound isn’t federally legal, and a police officer might mistake it for a cannabis product. Again, there is little chance of law enforcement arresting you, but you have to decide if this small risk is worth bringing your CBD.

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