What Are CBD Oil Liposomes?

The word ‘liposomes’ has Greek roots; (lipos meaning fat and soma meaning body). Therefore, we can define the term ‘liposome’ as a body – or pocket – of fat. Indeed, liposomes are exactly that: microscopic pockets of fatty tissue that scientists now know function as great molecular nutrient transporters.

Liposomes encapsulate nutrients in fat bubbles that they deliver to cells, tissues, and organ systems throughout the body. What’s unique about them is that they have a very high bioavailability. This means they deliver the nutrients more efficiently than when food (or other supplements) is eaten and metabolized in the digestive system.

CBD liposomes have recently hit the market as a new product designed to maximize the activity of hemp components.

As such, CBD liposomes have recently hit the market as a new product designed to maximize active hemp components. CBD infused in oil should work well. However, CBD liposomes could prove even more effective (and efficient) in providing therapeutic relief.

In this article, we look at one of the most popular brands currently manufacturing CBD liposomes to see whether they are worth trying. This may be especially relevant if you’ve taken CBD oil and haven’t noticed much of an effect.

CBD Liposomes: Gimmick or Something to Seriously Consider?

CBD oil has helped millions of people to manage the symptoms of a wide range of conditions. People have used it to combat pain, decrease anxiety, enhance mood, and alleviate sleep disorders.

However, many have tried CBD oil without much – or any – success. This could ultimately come down to one of many reasons (low-quality products, incorrect doses, etc.). Also, every individual has a unique chemical makeup that determines how well (or how poorly) their body absorbs or metabolizes CBD.

The medical field has used liposomes as drug delivery systems for years. Therefore, there is the potential for them to help with the delivery of cannabidiol and other active medical marijuana components, especially for those who have trouble naturally processing it.

Liposomes as CBD Delivery Systems

Since their discovery in 1965 by Dr. Alec Bangham, scientists have attempted to use liposomes as a molecular transport mechanism to deliver medications into the human body. In 1995, the FDA approved certain classes of liposomes as nanocarriers for this application.

One of the best-known liposomal delivery systems is for tuberculosis patients. High-strength antimicrobial medications are encased in the liposomes and transported across the lipid membranes of affected cells.

Elixinol is a brand known as one of the leading CBD oil manufacturers in the industry. It is currently employing this same technique to deliver the active cannabidiol component to cells and tissues throughout the body.

cbd liposomes

They claim that their product, Hemp Oil Liposomes, is the “best way to ensure that your body can absorb cannabinoids [such as CBD].” Time will tell how effective this product is and how true this statement is. If Hemp Oil Liposomes end up being nearly as effective as regular CBD oils, it could be a major boost to the overall medical cannabis industry.

Elixinol sells two Hemp Oil Liposome products, one in a 30ml bottle containing 300mg CBD. It is hardly the strongest oil on the market, but this makes it ideal for those wanting to experience CBD for the first time. Their second bottle contains 1000mg and is sold in a 100ml bottle. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor before consuming any CBD products, irrespective of their potency.

Both formulations are full-spectrum. This means that instead of containing only cannabidiol, there are a variety of different cannabinoids and terpenes. The brand currently sells only two liposome products on its website. But with its rise in popularity, is there any potential to see more?

CBD Liposomes vs. CBD Oil: Which Do You Need?

Suppose you have never tried CBD before and are considering using it for a medical condition like pain, insomnia, or anxiety. In that case, it’s typically advisable to start with a traditional CBD oil. This is necessary to gauge what kind of a therapeutic effect it produces. Most daily cannabidiol users find oil tinctures beneficial and have no reason to try different products.

You can find many companies both online and in physical stores selling CBD, making it more accessible than ever. CBD comes in various forms, including oils, topicals, capsules, gummies, and more. However, it is essential to know what to look for and what to avoid when purchasing CBD oil.

liposomal cbd

The industry has expanded immensely over the past few years. As a result, there is a lot of misinformation circulating about CBD products. It is now easier than ever to stumble across poorly made products.

[Wondering what CBD oil is and how it works? Check out our in-depth CBD resource guide here].

Despite the range of strengths and types of CBD products, some people still have trouble noticing any definitive results. In this case, it may be worthwhile to try out a liposome product like that offered by Elixinol. Before you do, though, speak with a physician or another health care provider about using CBD or any other cannabis or hemp-based product.

Final Thoughts on CBD Liposomes

Liposomes are essentially molecular fat bubbles that humans have used for decades as highly effective drug delivery systems. Liposomes could be a great way to ensure that the natural hemp compound(s) are delivered efficiently and effectively to the desired area of the body.

CBD liposomes could be a great way to ensure that natural hemp compound(s) are delivered efficiently and effectively.

More time and more research are necessary to better understand the physiological components of CBD and how they function with liposomes on a molecular level. However, it is certainly a unique concept in the industry and worth keeping an eye on.

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