8 Tips for Growing G13 Marijuana [Grower’s Guide]

There are few more mysterious marijuana strains than G13. Many far-fetched theories claim to know the real origins of this indica-dominant (70%) strain.

For example, allegedly, the FBI, CIA, and several other government agencies joined forces to create the ultimate super-strain. According to legend, the breeders developed this strain at a secret lab at the University of Mississippi. These stories, of course, are just conspiracy theories. The reality is that there is no hard evidence relating to G13’s actual origins.

According to legend, the breeders developed this strain at a secret lab at the University of Mississippi.

What we do know about G13 is that it is very potent, with a THC content of up to 24%. Most users describe G13’s initial effects as mood-enhancing and uplifting. However, as time passes, G13’s sedating effects come more to the fore, and users typically start to become sleepy. Given the nature of its overall effects, G13 is best suited for evening-time use.

G13 is also a popular choice among medicinal marijuana consumers. Medicinal users consume the G13 strain to manage chronic stress, depression, insomnia, and pain.

If G13 is your favorite stain and you want to learn how to grow it, read on.

1 – Should You Grow G13 Indoors or Outdoors?

Although you can try an indoor or outdoor grow, it’s important to note that G13 needs space to branch out. It may even require additional support during the flowering stage.

G13 thrives in temperatures up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit but also handles cooler temperatures better than most marijuana plants. Still, though, it is essential to keep the temperature above 65 degrees during the day.

If you grow indoors, G13’s flowering time will be at least nine weeks. It is a high-yielding strain that produces up to 21 ounces per square meter. If you grow it outside, G13 can yield an incredible 40 ounces per plant! It harvests late, anywhere between late October and mid-November.

2 – Try the Sea of Green (SOG) Method

G13 responds well to the SOG method, which helps to boost the overall yield. The SOG method is ideal when grow room space is limited. It allows you to maximize space without losing out on yield.

To begin, germinate your seeds or create clones using cuttings from a healthy mother plant. Expose the plants to at least 18 hours of light per day until they are around 12 inches tall.


Next, space them out so that there are no more than two plants per square foot. Force the plants into flowering by changing to a 12/12 lighting schedule (12 hours of light: 12 hours of dark).

When the dense bud canopy forms, remove the branches beneath, which you can use to make clones. Within weeks, your G13 crop should be ready for harvest. The plants should grow to the recommended height within a couple of weeks.

3 – Consider a Hydroponics Setup

A hydroponic setup involves using a growing medium other than soil. Common options include Rockwool and Coco Coir. There is a variety of hydroponics options, but the following tips ring true no matter which one you select:

  • Make sure all equipment, plus your water tanks, is sterile. If a pathogen gets into your system, it will spread throughout your crop in record time.
  • The water used in your hydroponics system should be around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the air temperature should be 75+ degrees.
  • Always begin with pH-neutral water (7.0). If this is an issue, invest in a reverse osmosis system.
  • Keep the humidity level at 70% during the early vegetative stage and lower gradually. It should be no more than 40% after a few weeks of flowering.
  • Maintain a pH level of between 5.5 and 6.5 in your growing medium.
  • Keep records of everything. Otherwise, you won’t know what worked and what didn’t.

4 – G13 Plants Need a Lot of Nutrients

Although certain marijuana strains are easy to overfeed, G13 does not fit into that category. These plants have a BIG appetite, so don’t skimp on the nutrients.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the building blocks. Use nitrogen liberally during the vegetative stage and reduce it significantly during flowering.

Other important nutrients include:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sulfur
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Chlorine
  • Silicon
  • Copper
  • Boron
  • Cobalt

Pre-mixed soils should have at least trace amounts of all these nutrients. If you are concerned about overfeeding and nutrient burn, learn how to identify the symptoms. For example, early indications of overfeeding include extremely deep green leaves or leaf tips bent at a 90-degree angle. Another telltale sign is when the stalks and branches turn red, purple, or magenta.

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A common symptom of nutrient burn is yellowing leaves with a burned tip. If you have overfed your G13 plants, remove the damaged material and flush the soil with pH-balanced water. When you return to regular feeding, use half the original dose.

5 – What Is Electrical Conductivity (EC)?

It is vital to learn about EC when using a hydroponics setup. It is a measure of the total dissolved solids in your water. It tells you how nutrient-rich the circulating water is. If the level is too low, your G13 plants aren’t getting enough nutrients. If the EC is too high, you risk causing nutrient burn.

When placing the clones or seedlings into the hydroponics system, ensure the EC level is between 0.5 and 1.3. For clones, especially, the level should be closer to 0.5.

As your plants grow, the EC level should rise with them. It can reach 2.0 by the beginning of the flowering stage. However, it can be as much as 2.5 near harvest, depending on the strain. As G13 needs plenty of food, you can err on the higher side.

6 – Don’t Forget Airflow!

To get the best out of G13, make sure that there is plenty of airflow between the plants. Your grow room’s ventilation system is as important as the nutrient regimen or lighting. This system keeps humidity, CO2 levels, and temperature in check, and these atmospheric conditions directly impact photosynthesis.

Your grow room’s ventilation system is as important as the nutrient regimen or lighting.

If nothing else, make sure you invest in a motorized fan. If your grow room is small, a single fan might be enough. An exhaust fan is also a good purchase because it removes excess heat and draws fresh air into the room. This process reduces overall temperature and boosts CO2 levels.

When it comes to finding the right air conditioning system, you need to consider several factors. These include:

  • The size of the grow room
  • The ballasts you use
  • The lighting system
  • The CO2 equipment (if applicable)
  • Any other electrical equipment used in the grow room.

7 – Boosting CO2

CO2 (carbon dioxide) is necessary for plants to complete the photosynthesis process. Plants convert CO2 into energy. When you elevate the carbon dioxide level in your grow room, you could increase the yield significantly.

We don’t recommend using CO2 equipment if you’re a novice grower. Instead, it is best to focus on the basics and learn how to grow high-quality buds.

When you have a few grows under your belt, you can consider adding carbon dioxide to the grow room. One option is a CO2 generator that powers on or off automatically once the room’s CO2 levels reach a pre-set part per million (ppm) level. Compressed CO2 tanks are also available that enable you to release controlled quantities of the gas into the atmosphere.

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Many growers find that boosting the CO2 level in their grow room to 1,200 ppm boosts growth. The benefits begin to dwindle once you surpass the 2,000ppm mark.

The higher the CO2 level in a room, the higher the temperature your plants can handle. Excessive CO2 levels are harmful to humans, so don’t spend too much time in a high-CO2 environment.

8 – Controlling the Smell of Your G13

Air circulation is crucial when trying to minimize the scent of marijuana in an indoor grow. Once your G13 begins to bloom, the smell can become overpowering.

Don’t waste your money on air freshener sprays! At best, they help to mask the scent for a very short time.

There is now an odor-neutralizing gel on the market. Open a couple of jars in the grow room and allow the gel to attract and trap the odor. Activated carbon filters are also effective because they trap odors from the air. Make sure the filters are attached to an extraction fan.

Finally, don’t waste your money on air freshener sprays! At best, they help to mask the scent for a very short time. Also, there is a possibility that the chemicals they contain may contaminate the buds.

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