The Best Companion Plants for Your Cannabis Garden [Revealed]

Are pests destroying your cannabis garden? You’re not alone. The potent smell of weed can attract all sorts of creepy crawlies that end up feasting on your plants. All that effort you put into them completely goes to waste!

Perhaps you’re also reading this article as a preventative measure. Online forums often indicate that companion plants are excellent for cannabis growers who are looking to avoid chemical elements in their gardens. There are lots of reasons to avoid chemicals like pesticides, but you may still be concerned about pests. The solution is companion planting.

Cultivating marijuana is a specific game. As well as deterring pests, you may wish to use companion plants that alleviate the pungent smell, preventing nosey neighbors from knowing about your operation.

In this guide, we will discuss the top ten companion plants for any cannabis growing operation. You will also learn why companion plants are a valuable asset and why you should consider them. Without further ado, let’s explore the benefits of companion plants.

Why You Should Be Using Companion Plants

Companion plants serve several purposes. They act as a natural substitute for many of the agricultural methods you might already be using. For example, rather than using chemical pesticides, you can plant crops that deter insects.

Lots of growers are looking to use cruelty-free, environmentally friendly cultivation methods. These two categories are not mutually exclusive, but many strategies don’t cover both of them. For example, diatomaceous earth is a way to prevent winged creatures from laying eggs on your crop and ultimately destroying it; it’s an eco-friendly alternative to chemical insecticides. However, it’s not cruelty-free, as many insects are harmed or killed in the process.

Companion plants benefit your crop, the ecosystem, and, ultimately, you. If you’re looking to create an environmentally friendly growing operation, you might also want to consider introducing beneficial insects.

Four Purposes for Companion Plants

Here are four of the functions that companion plants can serve:

Defense: Some plants act as pest repellents. They may also attract beneficial insects that prey on the creatures that destroy your crop. Not all insects are bad, after all! As a bonus, many of these plants smell nice, which is why they attract bodyguard insects like ladybugs.

Repellent: Again, these plants can repel insects. The strong odor is less than appealing to bugs, ensuring that cannabis-destroying creepy crawlies remain out of your garden.

Nutrients: Certain plant species can improve soil quality. Planting these in your garden will ensure that the soil is always nutrient-rich, feeding your marijuana plants and increasing their overall yield. Some of these species also develop extensive root networks, improving the drainage quality of the soil.

Concealment: Attractive, pleasant-smelling plants are a welcome addition to any garden, especially a cannabis grow. You should only be growing cannabis if it is legal to do so where you are, but you may still wish to keep prying eyes at bay. Some companion plants can conceal the pungent smell and draw eyes away from your pot.

Top 10 Companion Plants for Your Cannabis Crop

There are many plants that could benefit your crop, but here are WayofLeaf’s top ten suggestions.

1. Sunflower

What it does:

  • Protect from wind
  • Attract beneficial insects
  • Disguises the crop

Sunflowers are beautiful plants, which is why they’re so good at concealing your cannabis crops. Nobody will be able to take their eyes off these towering beauties long enough to notice your marijuana plants. Sunflowers can grow up to 3 meters in height, so even a lofty sativa will have trouble competing.

They can also protect your crop from insects. They attract beneficial bugs that prey on spider mites and draw away aphids, slugs, snails, and whiteflies by attracting their attention.

Finally, sunflowers can improve the soil. They grow an extensive network of roots, improving water drainage and making the environment better for other plants – including pot.

Plant your sunflowers around the edge of the garden as a wind barrier, placing them 60cm apart. Outdoors, plant them in March, and they will flower 60-95 days after germination. When the heads flower, leave them be; they attract birds that will also pick off any larger insects.

2. Lavender

What it does:

  • Repels fleas, ticks, and mice
  • Attracts pollinators
  • Covers the smell of cannabis

Aside from smelling lovely, lavendermakes a wonderful companion plant. While humans are attracted to the scent, several pests are disgusted by it. The list includes fleas, ticks, mice, and moths. These are all pesky creatures, so lavender is a welcome defense.

Lavender thrives in a Mediterranean environment. Don’t worry if you live somewhere cooler, though; it can still grow. Plant this crop somewhere between February and July, and it will flower within three weeks. At the end of the season, you can trim them back and collect the flowers, which has several uses of its own.

3. Dill

What it does:

  • Repels insects like aphids and caterpillars
  • Deters pests like butterflies

When you plant dill, you get to benefit from a tasty plant as well as an excellent marijuana companion. Dill specializes as a pest deterrent. The scent of it will repel spider mites, caterpillars, and aphids because it attracts wasps. You might not like the sight of a buzzing wasp, but they make excellent garden guards.

Furthermore, dill is considered a tasty crop by some other animals. Butterflies are attracted to dill, and they would much rather feast on dill than cannabis. Planting dill among your crops will keep some predators distracted.

Dill season is between March and July. You can interplant them between cannabis plants or pot them right next to your crop. They need warm environments, but be sure to keep the soil moist too.

4. Alfalfa

What it does:

  • Repels insects
  • Improves nitrogen content of the soil
  • Improves soil drainage

Lygus bugs spell doom for your garden. Luckily, alfalfa acts as a natural repellent for this dangerous insect. However, this isn’t its main purpose as a companion plant.

Alfalfa is perfect for improving the soil, and its deep roots improve drainage. Some growers report that they don’t need to water their gardens as much when they plant alfalfa nearby.

Furthermore, alfalfa gathers nitrogen from the atmosphere. Cannabis plants require nitrogen to thrive, so this is perfect for your yield. You can also allow the alfalfa to turn to mulch, feeding the soil and saving you the job of harvesting.

Plant alfalfa between April and July. It grows well anywhere and is quite drought-resistant.

5. Sweet Basil

What it does:

  • Improves the flavor of cannabis
  • Attracts beneficial insects
  • Repels snails and slugs

Basil is sometimes called the ‘prince of plants’ because it can play so many great roles in your garden. Sweet basil has a pleasant scent, so people will probably smell it before they spot it.

Like several other plants on this list, the scent of basil repels harmful insects while attracting beneficial ones. It draws in pollinators that increase the biodiversity of your garden, but the smell deters slugs, snails, and other unwanted pests.

Most interestingly, basil may improve the flavor of cannabis. Tomato growers often use basil as a companion plant to enhance the taste of their tomatoes, and it appears that it can also do the same for marijuana.

Plant the bail alongside your plants. It may also be even better at improving terpene production when grown next to dill. It flourishes between February and June.

6. Marigold

What it does:

  • It repels insects and makes neighboring plants repellent, too
  • Draws the human eye away from cannabis
  • Improves soil quality

Marigolds are beautiful plants. Their golden coloration will attract the eye, leaving anyone visiting your garden incapable of spotting any cannabis plants lurking in the corners. Marigolds are surprisingly hardy, tolerating low soil quality and growing all year long until there is frost.

They make wonderful companion plants because several insect species can’t stand them. Whiteflies, cabbage moths, and other creepy crawlies will stay far away from marigolds. Aphids love them, but they’ll be so focused on your marigolds that they won’t touch the cannabis.

Furthermore, the natural insecticide that marigolds produce enters the soil and then other plants. As a result, your entire garden becomes a natural insect repellent!

Interplant marigolds between cannabis and sow the seeds between February and April.

7. Peppermint

What it does:

  • Attracts beneficial insects
  • Repels aphids and mice

Mint is a good companion plant, but you have to be careful. Its menthol content repels mice, aphids, deer flies, roaches, and ants. It also attracts pollinators and butterflies—but you have to be wary about them laying eggs.

The problem with peppermint is that it can take over and is an invasive species in many areas. You have to cut it back regularly and keep an eye on it. Luckily, harvesting mint is good for you because you can use it in numerous cuisine items.

It’s best to plant the mint in isolated pots so that they don’t take over your garden and retain a watchful eye.

8. Red or White Clover

What it does:

  • Improves nutrient quality of the soil
  • Releases nitrogen
  • Improves drainage

Multiple species of clover exist, including micro clover, white clover, red clover, and crimson clover. All of them make ideal companion plants because they are nitrogen fixers.

The deep roots bring nutrients to the surface, allowing other garden plants to benefit. Your marijuana plants will benefit from the fresh nitrogen provided by clover. Plus, the roots also improve soil drainage, which also helps your crop.

Clover is easy to grow, though it can multiply rapidly. Trim back the plant and leave it as mulch, as clover feeds the ground readily and helps the earth. Plant them around the base of your cannabis plants.

9. Borage

What it does:

  • Increases mineral quality of the soil
  • Slow-releases potassium and calcium

Borage is another attractive plant that produces lavender flowers. This species thrives in similar conditions to cannabis, making it the perfect companion plant. You can also harvest it for food; the flowers are edible and have a spicy flavor.

Borage improves soil quality by filling the earth with vitamins and minerals. Using it as a compost can also slow-release potassium and calcium to your marijuana crop, encouraging photosynthesis.

Plant the seeds in large pots during March. They need space, so give them 30cm of room each. Keep them well-watered.

10. Chamomile

What it does:

  • Deters flies and mosquitoes
  • Prevents fungal infections
  • Provides calcium and potassium

Chamomile is another pleasant plant to grow because you can harvest it for tea. This plant also works as an excellent fungal infection preventative; simply spray (cooled) chamomile tea on young seedlings.

A fully-grown chamomile plant can deter some flies, including whiteflies and mosquitoes. The chamomile you plant will spring up in the same spot year after year, acting as an annual insect repellent.

Allow the chamomile to turn to mulch, and it will release calcium and potassium as it decomposes. Again, this is great news for your budding cannabis plants.

Surround your cannabis crop with chamomile as an insect border. Sow the seeds 6 weeks before the last frost date; you may want to start them off indoors.

Final Thoughts on Companion Plants

Adding one or some of these 10 beneficial companion plants to your cannabis garden in a multidimensional and holistic way will not only deter pests and protect your precious crops, but many of these plants also have additional uses.

Getting started with companion planting is affordable and simple, so if you want to boost your crops’ line of defense, you should definitely choose to get planting soon.

Seeds and Soil
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