How Much Is in a Dime of Weed? [Cost + More!]

If you are fairly new to the world of marijuana, you are probably beginning to master the etymology of various weed phrases. You understand that an ounce is approximately 28 grams of cannabis, there are 16 ounces in a pound, and you’re unlikely ever to have close to that amount in your possession. You are likely also to know all about quarters and eighths.

Alas, there are still terms that are alien to a lot of new users, and in this guide, we explain the meaning of a ‘dime’ of weed, along with a nickel and a dub sack just for the hell of it!

What Is a Dime of Weed?

A ‘dime’ bag of weed is approximately $10 worth. As it is a set dollar amount, the quantity of marijuana you’ll receive varies significantly. The cost depends on the popularity and quality of the strain. It also depends on legality. It is cheaper to get good quality cannabis in Oregon where it is legal (between $200 and $250 per ounce) than in New York where it could be up to double the price.

Going by the lower-priced weed in Oregon, a dime bag would be the equivalent of a little over a gram. In the unlikely event that you’ll find someone willing to sell a dime bag of weed, you will get even less because as you know, the price only goes down in relative terms when you make purchases in greater quantities.

As you can probably guess, the term ‘dime’ is slang that originates from the currency. After the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, weed was federally illegal in the United States. For decades, it was necessary to speak about cannabis (or anything else that was illegal) using code when on the phone.

how much does a dime weigh

Overall, you probably won’t find anyone using the term dime bag in states where the herb has been legalized. If you search long and hard, you might find an old-school dealer who agrees to sell you $10 of weed. However, the majority of dispensaries will sell marijuana per gram. Therefore, you should be able to get at least one gram of marijuana for $10.

Once again, however, it depends entirely on where you purchase your pot. For example, you could find a gram of low-quality medical marijuana in Oregon for less than $10. If you go to Washington D.C, a gram of better-quality weed can cost over $18! In Canada, you could get a gram of weed for between $10 and $13 depending on quality. The advent of legalization means users should be able to find cheaper weed.

What Is a Nickel of Weed?

Now that you understand what a dime of weed is, it becomes much easier to guess the value of a nickel of weed. It is just $5 worth of marijuana, and you are unlikely to find even a gram of marijuana for this price unless it is extremely low-grade schwag. If you’re looking at high-grade Mary Jane, you will struggle to get more than one joint’s worth, especially since federal government experts believe the average joint contains 0.43 grams of weed.

When you consider that the average medical marijuana transaction in Colorado was approximately $80 way back in 2015, it is hard to imagine anyone entering a dispensary and asking for five bucks worth of cannabis! Even in the days when nickel bags were widely available, dealers didn’t make much money from them, so they often mixed the product with cooking herbs such as oregano!

What Is a Dub Sack?

This is another old-school term and depicts $20 worth of weed or two dime bags. The term ‘dub’ was once used to describe 20-inch rims, and it was brought into marijuana lingo. You could get up to two grams of cannabis if you’re willing to settle for mid-grade marijuana. Otherwise, you can expect approximately 1.5 grams of top-quality herb.

What Are the Factors That Impact the Price of Marijuana?

Although you may not use the terms nickel, dime, or even a dub sack any longer, it is important to understand the reasons why the price of weed varies so significantly from state to state. At the beginning of the year, you could purchase an ounce of medium quality weed in Colorado for approximately $200. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., it could cost you more than $500!

Legal status certainly plays a role. It seems obvious, but let’s reiterate the point: If weed is legal recreationally in a state, it should be cheaper than in a state where cannabis is only legal for medicinal purposes. If you live in a state where it is outlawed, you will probably pay triple the normal price. There are several other factors to consider, however.

The Seller

If you live in a ‘legal’ state, you can purchase marijuana from a licensed and registered dispensary. In a state where it is illegal, you have no choice but to go on the black market. When you buy from a dealer on the street, there is no telling what you’re getting, and the cost could be sky-high.

In contrast, dispensaries are legally obligated to follow strict guidelines. In one sense, you may have to pay more from a licensed seller because they have to pay staff, taxes, and don’t receive the kind of tax breaks and other benefits afforded to other businesses. Therefore, their overheads dictate their price points.

The old saying “buy cheap and pay twice” has never been more applicable than with marijuana. While you may find a black-market dealer who sells you cheap weed, you are probably getting schwag compared to the top-shelf bud you’ll find in a dispensary. Let’s say an eighth costs $35 in a dispensary – perhaps you’ll get it for $25 on the street. However, while you get your $35 worth in the store, the dealer might be selling you the dregs which has a ‘real’ value of about $7.


If you’re lucky, you live in a location where there are several dispensaries near one another. This level of competition should ensure that weed prices remain reasonable in your locality. Did you know that dispensaries sometimes engage in ‘flash sales’?

Store X may lower the price of a quarter of Blue Dream for the whole day to entice customers. Store Y feels as if it has no choice but to reduce the price of an eighth of Strawberry Cough temporarily. This is a great way to save money if you’re not fussy about the marijuana strain you buy.


If you live in a state where cannabis is legal, you must pay state and sales taxes. Depending on the state, there may also be a local tax which can vary by location and can also be dictated by the dollar amount you spend. In Colorado, for example, you have to pay a 2.9% retail tax, a 15% sales tax, and a 15% excise tax which is based on the average market rate of the weed.

Medicinal marijuana in Colorado is NOT subject to the 15% sales tax. The wholesaler pays the excise tax, but they will pass on the cost to you. Marijuana taxes vary all over the country, so check out the situation in your state.

how much is a dime

Timing & Method of Growing

It should go without saying that high-quality weed costs much more than low-grade rubbish, but you may not realize that you can save money by purchasing marijuana at a specific time of year. The majority of cannabis plants grown outdoors are ready for harvest between the end of September and October.

In the weeks following a successful harvest, prices could decrease as the supply increases. Therefore, if you have the money to purchase your weed at that time, and the means to store it, it could be worth buying in bulk. However, an increasing number of breeders are cultivating marijuana indoors which eliminates specific harvest times. In years to come, the timing of your purchase may no longer be important.

Finally, the method of growing marijuana alters the price. Cannabis that is grown outdoors is cheaper to produce because nature regulates the light, soil, water, and temperature. Indoor growers will have enormous lighting bills, and must also pay for nutrients, fans, and a host of other equipment. Indoor weed can also be produced to a better standard so overall, organic indoor-grown marijuana will be far more expensive than the same strain of outdoor-grown weed.

Final Thoughts on a Dime of Weed & the General Cost

The terms ‘nickel’, ‘dime,’ and ‘dub sack’ of weed are antiquated terms, and you probably won’t hear anyone ask for them in a dispensary. Although there are stores that can sell you $10 worth of cannabis, they won’t call it a dime bag! In general, you will purchase your marijuana in grams. The cost of it will depend on the quality, method of growing, timing of your purchase, the seller’s location, level of competition, the legality of cannabis, and the marijuana taxes in your state.

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