5 Ingenious Ways to Use Marijuana Trim [Don’t Let It Go to Waste]

Anyone who has ever grown marijuana will know how vital it is to trim their plants.

Firstly, trimming away fan leaves during the vegetative stage of growth helps to encourage optimal bud production. Furthermore, giving cannabis buds a good trim after harvesting gives them a beautiful, well-manicured appearance.

So, what can you do with cannabis trimmings other than throw them on the compost pile? Here are a few suggestions.

Getting the Most out of Your Marijuana Trim

Before we dive into how to use cannabis trim, we have a couple of tips on how to get the most out of it. After all, trim is not that different from buds in many ways.

On the one hand, fan leaves contain little in the way of trichomes, meaning a low cannabinoid content. Therefore, it is possible to use them raw, directly off the plant. Although they won’t get you high, fan leaves do have some benefits, which we will discuss in tip number one.

However, the sugar leaves that you trim off after harvesting are another matter. Of course, they are not as rich in cannabinoids and terpenes as buds, but they do have a smattering of trichomes.

This means that you need to prepare them in the same way as you would with cannabis flower; by first drying and curing them carefully and then decarboxylating them to activate their cannabinoids.

How to Dry and Cure Cannabis Trim

Drying and curing cannabis properly is an essential part of the growing process. Failure to do so can result in weed that lacks flavor and potency. It may also increase the risk of developing mold.

Fortunately, drying cannabis trim couldn’t be easier. Simply spread it out on sheets of newspaper and leave it in a dry, shaded area until crisp.

Trim dries much quicker than flower and should be ready in a matter of days. You can then transfer your trim into storage jars and cure it in the same way you would treat buds.

Check out our in-depth article on drying and curing cannabis to find out more.

Don’t Forget to Decarb

If you want to experience a high from your trim, you will need to decarboxylate it first. The process involves heating the weed to convert inactive THCA and CBDA to active THC and CBD.

Decarboxylation is not necessary if you want to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without intoxication. You can also skip this step if you plan on smoking your trim. When you combust cannabis in a joint or bowl, this activates the cannabinoids automatically.

The simplest way to decarb trim is to spread it on a baking sheet and place it in a low oven. Our easy-to-follow decarboxylation guide provides all the details on timing and temperature.

How to Use Cannabis Trim

Now that you know how to prepare your cannabis trim, here are some of the best ways to use it:

1. Use Fan Leaves as a Green Vegetable

The fan leaves that you trim from cannabis plants in the vegetative stage won’t get you high. However, they do have a myriad of benefits.

Like all leafy greens, cannabis leaves are packed with vitamins and minerals. Some of the fantastic nutrients that you will find in cannabis trim include:

  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Folates
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K

Cannabis leaves are also full of beneficial antioxidants, making them a great addition to any healthy meal.

One of our favorite ways to use fan leaves is to blend them into a raw cannabis smoothie. However, you can use them as you would any other green vegetable; steaming, stir-frying, and mixing into salads all work well.

2. Make Cannabis Trim Infused Butter or Oil

You can also use cannabis trim to make delicious edibles by infusing it into cannabutter or your oil of choice. Of course, it won’t be as strong as if you use buds, but it will save you a whole lot of cash!


The process is the same as making regular cannabutter or oil. Just don’t forget to dry, cure, and decarboxylate your trim first.

3. Season Your Cooking with Marijuana Trim

If the process of preparing cannabutter seems like too much effort, you can also use marijuana trim as a seasoning. Keep a jar of prepared trim in your kitchen cabinet and add a pinch or two to your meals.

The savory, herbal flavor of cannabis gives a unique twist to curries, sauces, and soups. You could even sprinkle some into your scrambled eggs.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that cannabinoids are fat-soluble. That means you should eat them with a small amount of fat or oil to allow your digestive system to absorb them. Otherwise, you’ll get all of the flavor but none of the effects!

4. Make Cannabis Trim Tea

You can also consume your cannabis trim by making it into an herbal tea. Again, you’ll need some fat to help your body absorb those cannabinoids for maximum effect.


Here is one of our favorite cannabis tea recipes:


  • 1–2 teaspoons cannabis trim
  • A few slices of fresh ginger
  • One small cinnamon stick
  • 3–5 cloves or cardamom pods
  • One black tea bag
  • Sugar or honey to sweeten
  • Full-fat milk or coconut oil to serve


  1. Place two cups of water in a pan and bring to a simmer
  2. Add the cannabis trim and spices
  3. Cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes
  4. Turn off the heat and add the teabag
  5. Leave to brew for 2–3 minutes
  6. Strain the tea into a cup and sweeten to taste
  7. Stir in full-fat milk or a dab of coconut oil
  8. Enjoy!

5. Make Cannabis Trim Dry Sift

If your sugar leaves are particularly laden with trichomes, you could try your hand at some simple, homemade concentrates. One of the most popular methods is a process known as dry sift.

It involves rubbing your cannabis trim over a series of mesh screens to separate the trichomes. The result is a fine powder (kief) that you can add to joints or bowls or press into rosin.

To dry sift, you need only a few pieces of equipment and some patience. Our complete dry sift guide outlines the steps.

Final Thoughts on How to Use Marijuana Trim

These are just a few of the many diverse ways you can put your cannabis trim to good use. However, there are plenty more. We have even heard of people smoking their trim, although it can be quite harsh on the throat.

Therefore, we prefer the methods outlined above. They are simple, effective, and help reduce waste. After all, when you’ve put so much effort into growing cannabis, you’ll want to get as much out of it as you can.

What are your favorite ways to use cannabis trim? Please share your ideas with our community in the comments.

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