Remedy Marijuana Strain Review
Remedy helps with conditions like seizures, pain, inflammation, and anxiety. THC ranges up to 1% and CBD up to 18%.
Common Usage
Growing Info
How to Grow the Remedy Strain
Looking to cultivate the Remedy strain? This highly medicinal strain should be grown indoors, allowing 6 to 8 weeks for the flowering period.
The History and Genetics of Remedy Strain
Remedy is a cross between Cannatonic and Afghan Skunk, specifically bred to achieve a high CBD level with minimal THC effects. This strain is especially favored by those seeking therapeutic benefits without the intense psychoactive experience.
Remedy Strain: Aroma, Flavor & Appearance
Remedy presents a unique aromatic profile featuring sweet floral pine and sour lemon notes. Visually, yellow-tinted buds hide under crystal trichomes, exuding a lemon-pine scent with slight earthy and woody tones.
Medical Benefits of Remedy Strain
Remedy is renowned for its numerous medicinal benefits. It helps with conditions such as seizures, pain, autism, inflammation, and anxiety disorders. It offers complete pain relief without any pronounced head effects.
Main Effects of Remedy Strain
The main effects of Remedy include feelings of relaxation, focus, and sleepiness. It also contributes to a mellow state of mind, making it a popular choice for physical and mental tranquility.
Potential Side Effects of Remedy Strain
Negative effects reported for Remedy include headaches, dizziness, and occasional anxiousness. Start slow to experience a balanced and enjoyable relief.
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