Growing Sweet Sinsemilla Bud [The Ultimate Guide]

At WayofLeaf, we understand that cannabis cultivation can seem incredibly daunting from a novice grower’s perspective. That’s why we have come up with this complete guide for growing sweet sinsemilla buds.

Sinsemilla is the term for a highly potent form of marijuana that does not contain seeds. It comes from two Spanish words, i.e., ‘sin’ (without) and ‘semilla’ (seed).

When growing sweet sinsemilla buds, the goal is to prevent female plants from being pollinated by male cannabis plants. The reason for this is that unpollinated female cannabis plants produce more resin, and therefore more potent buds.

Under normal growing conditions, the pollen from male plants fertilizes the female plants, which then produce seeds. By deliberately removing the male plants from the grow site, you are preventing fertilization from occurring.

In simple terms, the energy that would have been required by the female plant to produce seeds can be used to create more potent, THC-filled resin glands instead.

Setup – What You Need

Firstly, you need to find out if it is legal or not for you to grow marijuana in your state. In the United States, cannabis cultivation is subject to stringent state laws. Therefore, you will need to familiarize yourself with your own state’s laws around marijuana growing before proceeding.

If it is legal to grow marijuana in your state, then you will need some basic supplies and tools. For the purposes of this article, we will keep it simple and assume that you are a novice grower. Therefore, you will likely use soil as your growing medium (if you are an experienced grower, it’s possible to grow sweet sinsemilla bud using a hydroponic setup).

Naturally, you will need marijuana seeds, which you can purchase from your local dispensary or online.

You can guarantee female plants by purchasing feminized seeds. If you use regular seeds, then you will need to remove the male plants from your grow site. We will discuss this later. You can also grow sweet sinsemilla bud by using a clone, i.e., a cutting from a mature female plant.

You’ll also need general supplies just as you would if you were growing any other plants. These include some gardening tools, such as pruning shears, as well as high-quality soil, fertilizer, and pots.

You might be wondering whether you should grow your sweet sinsemilla buds indoors or outdoors. Well, experienced cultivators recommended growing your sweet sinsemilla plants indoors. If you grow your plants outdoors, then you run the risk of them being inadvertently fertilized by pollen in the air.

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Before planting your marijuana seeds, you will first need to germinate them. Germination is the process by which a seed develops into a plant. The process begins when the seed absorbs water. This is known as imbibition. The water then activates proteins and enzymes contained within the seed, and it produces a root.

To begin the germination process, place the seeds in a glass of tap water for about fifteen to eighteen hours. Wait for all of the seeds to sink to the bottom of the glass. Then, pour the glass of water containing the seeds onto a paper towel. Place the paper towel onto a heat mat with a bowl over the top to keep the moisture in. Be careful not to let the paper towel dry out, as this could kill the seeds.

Check on the seeds every five hours for up to 24 hours to see if the seeds have produced tap roots. The taproots will be thin and white in appearance and be at least half an inch in length. After that, comes the transplanting.

The Vegetative Stage

Transfer your germinated seeds into a small soil pot, being careful not to overcrowd them. Enrich the soil with a high nitrogen and potassium fertilizer blend for healthier plants and faster growth. Experienced growers recommend using liquid fertilizers for a more straightforward application and higher nutrient availability.

The plants will grow significantly as they progress through the vegetative stage. To prevent them from becoming overcrowded, you will need to transfer them to a larger container.

It is essential to carefully prune and top the plants during the vegetative stage to keep their height and shape under control. Remove any large fan leaves from the lower canopy to improve air circulation and light distribution to the lower nodes. Continue to water the plants as needed and boost their growth by fertilizing the soil with nitrogen.

Identifying and Removing All of the Male Plants

Next comes the most crucial stage of growing sweet sinsemilla buds. Removing the male plants from the grow site. The male plants are easily identifiable by a couple of different physical characteristics. Male plants have much thicker, sturdier stalks, and tend to have fewer leaves than their female counterparts.


You can also identify a cannabis plant’s gender by examining what grows between its nodes. The nodes are where the leaves and branches extend outward from the stalk. Male plants have pollen sacs designed to spread pollen for fertilization purposes, while female plants have a stigma that catches pollen from the air.

These physical characteristics are recognizable even before they become functional, giving you a bit of time to act to prevent fertilization.

At this stage, these parts of the plants are known as “pre-flowers.” They begin to develop approximately four weeks into the vegetative stage. They are tiny and difficult to identify with the naked eye. Therefore, you will need to use a magnifying glass. The males will have small pollen sacs, whereas the females will have two bracts and ultimately produce a hair-like stigma.

Now that you have identified the males, it is time to remove them from the grow site. Using pruning shears, remove the male plants by cutting the stalks about six inches from the ground. Why don’t you just pull the male plants out of the soil? Well, by cutting the stalks, you prevent damaging or unsettling the roots of the adjacent female plants. Damaging the roots could potentially hinder the growth and development of the remaining female plants.

As already mentioned, the reason you need to remove the male plants is to ensure they don’t pollinate the females. Come harvest time, you should be left with excellent, high quality, and high-THC sweet sinsemilla buds with no seeds.

Sweet Sinsemilla – The Flowering Stage

When the sinsemilla plants enter the flowering stage, it is essential to stop pruning. For best results, feed the plants Liquinox Bloom plant food, which contains a high amount of phosphorus and potash. This should help the plants develop healthier and larger flowers.

Experienced sweet sinsemilla growers recommend not watering the plants late in the flowering stage. While this will cause the plants to dry out, it theoretically causes them to produce more resin.

Harvesting Your Sweet Sinsemilla Bud

Many sinsemilla growers recommend harvesting the plants by cutting the stalks six inches above the ground. The next step is to dry and cure the sweet sinsemilla buds. Large-scale outdoor growers advise hanging the whole plant upside down and only exposing it to reflected, not direct, light. Small-scale indoor growers can use drying racks. Bear in mind that a slow drying process is best.

Once the plants are completely dry, remove all the leaves and stems, leaving only the sweet sinsemilla bud. Remove the buds and place them in sealed, airtight containers, such as a wide-mouthed mason jar. It is essential to store these containers in a cool, dry place.

You will need to open the jars a few times a day for the first couple of weeks. This will allow the buds to breathe and let any moisture that has built up inside escape. It will take approximately four to six weeks for the buds to cure fully.

For a more detailed description of the drying and curing process, check out the article below.

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How Do I Produce More Plants if They’re All Female?

How do you grow more plants from your crop if they’re all female, and they don’t produce any seeds? You can grow clones by using cuttings from a healthy, mature, female plant from your crop. The main benefit of cloning is that the new plants will be genetically the same as the mother plant. This ensures that there is no risk of it developing into a male plant, either.

It’s important to remember a useful adage – never clone the same plant more than four times.

The plant will eventually begin to suffer from an effect called “genetic drift.” This refers to the gradual degradation of the plant’s DNA after being cloned multiple times. It can cause unwanted malformations in the plant. Also, it can potentially result in a plant becoming a hermaphrodite, which could cause it to self-pollinate.

Apart from cloning, you can also sew feminized seeds. If you sew regular seeds, then you will have to repeat the above process and remove all of the male plants from the grow site.

Final Thoughts on Growing Sweet Sinsemilla Bud

As you can see, growing sweet sinsemilla buds isn’t as complicated as it may sound. It merely involves identifying and removing all male plants from the grow site.

There are two easy ways to start a new sinsemilla growth. Firstly, you can take a clipping from a mature female plant and grow it separately from male plants. Or, secondly, you can sew feminized seeds. If you use regular seeds, then you will need to identify and remove the male plants from the grow site.

Remember, when growing sinsemilla plants, you need to keep them away from pollinating male plants to avoid fertilization. Sinsemilla plants don’t just mean no seeds – they also mean more potent, resinous, THC-packed buds.

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