Editorial Policy

Editorial Integrity

Our mission is to bring you practical and relevant information related to cannabis, with particular emphasis on the potential benefits of the flower.

We are committed to providing information on a variety of cannabis related health and lifestyle topics, and rather than filtering certain types of information that may or may not be applicable to any one individual’s personal health, we rely on you, our reader, as well as our editorial staff, to choose the information that is most appropriate for you. However, the original editorial information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the WayofLeaf Site!

The following sections detail our content policies and procedures.

Editorial Selection of Original Content Created by WayofLeaf

WayofLeaf creates original content with reference generally to the following criteria:

Useful Information – What cannabis information are people looking to learn more about? We try to answer questions and provide information to allow you to make better informed decisions on managing your own health and cannabis. Our common topics include coverage of breaking cannabis health news; practical cannabis health news; product launches and reviews; and expert commentary on all things cannabis-related.

Look to Research – Historically, clinical and medical findings were very difficult to find related to cannabis. That is quickly changing. We try to rely on scientific information that has been published, for example in peer-reviewed medical journals, to provide you information from a variety of sources.

Trends – With an industry changing as quickly as cannabis, it is difficult to stay on top of the most current information, but we do our best to just that, focusing on new products and companies, healthy living, alternative approaches, and more.

Our Content Is Different

It’s more practical. In an industry often accused of providing inaccurate information, WayofLeaf tries to separate itself from the pack by providing useful and relevant information that you can use and that answers your questions.

Our articles and stories are based on our editors’ selections of the most important and relevant cannabis information available. Our articles are more than a short story about how cannabis might have helped someone. They often contain verified third-party sources, interviews (such as with medical professionals), and the latest information on new products and resources.

Editorial Policy for WayofLeaf Editorial Staff

WayofLeaf is the leading provider of cannabis, CBD and health information, serving consumers and healthcare professionals.

While we do work with affiliate partners, the WayofLeaf Editorial staff is charged with the responsibility of providing objective, accurate, and balanced accounts of cannabis information, including related to products and vendors. WayofLeaf staff must diligently seek out subjects of stories that provides useful information that people want to learn about. They also seek objective commentary or comment from qualified third-parties to provide balance to stories.

How we Create Original Content

The content that we produce and the news that we feature is determined by our staff of journalists and editors. It contains practical information from reliable sources, including our staff’s own experiences, announcements from regulatory agencies, and analyses on the latest cannabis and health trends. Our experienced cannabis reporters are constantly performing research and talking with those in the industry daily to provide in-depth analyses, updates, and profiles that give our cannabis news and content a new perspective found nowhere else.
Third parties may provide funding to WayofLeaf for the creation by WayofLeaf of original editorial content for the WayofLeaf Site. In such cases, the third party may work with WayofLeaf to identify a mutually agreed upon general topic, but the content will be produced in accordance with our original content process and the third party will have no control over the final content. At their request, these third parties may receive the attribution “Supported by [third party’s name]”, or similar reference, on our editorial content during the period that they fund content.

Licensed and Third Party Content

When WayofLeaf licenses cannabis health and wellness content from third-parties for publication on our site, the WayofLeaf senior Editorial editors review the third-party’s editorial policies and procedures for consistency with the WayofLeaf Editorial Policies.


WayofLeaf works with other cannabis not for profit organizations, businesses and associations to educate the public on cannabis health topics, products or issues. We review and select these organizations and work with them to create or select content within specific topic areas. The content is created by WayofLeaf, sometimes reviewed and edited by the third party, and then finally edited and approved by WayofLeaf’s editorial staff. Just like all of WayofLeaf’s editorial content, this category of content is subject to WayofLeaf’s editorial policies.  Therefore, readers should assume that some articles contain content developed with assistance and collaboration from not for profits, businesses or associations with whom we worked.


As more fully described in our Advertising Policy, WayofLeaf accepts advertising on the WayofLeaf Network from Advertisers, which may include third party banners, badges, contextual advertising and content created or provided by an Advertiser (collectively referred to as “Advertisements”, “Advertising”, or “From Our Advertiser”). Some advertisements, which may appear as text paragraphs, thumbnail pictures, badges, or other types of text or pictures, are what is known as “native advertisements” and appear adjacent to editorial content. Regardless of the form of an advertisement, the Advertiser is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of their Advertising and it is subject to our Advertising Policy. Advertising is not always reviewed by the WayofLeaf Editorial Staff and may not be subject to this Editorial Policy.

Last updated on January 4, 2021

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